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V12 CUTOUT, Leaning over on an angle, not mosfat problem.


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So I had this type of cutout on my V12 "See video below"

I knew about this type of cutout from watching this exact video and have navigated the halfpipe drop in at the skatepark many many times without issue. This time I hit the drop in at about 25 - 30 km/h and went up the half pipe wall a little more than usual which in turn made me turn down the ramp a little more abruptly which in turn caused my V12 to lay almost flat horizontally causing the exact cutout in the video above.
What happened next was due to me angling the V12 down the ramp instead of me falling forward like Mike did in the video it made the V12 shoot out in front of me causing my legs to be out in front of me while I was in a sitting position in the air. I fell to the ground from 1.5 metres in this sitting position at 25 - 30km/h The impact was quite hard and with the adrenaline pumping through my veins I stood instantly and walked over to grab the V12 and picked it up and tried to step on at which time I had an intense sharp pain in the front left of my pelvis where my leg and pelvis attached. At this point I was thinking I had fractured my pelvis and knew I had compressed my spine.

After an hour or so I was at the hospital getting an X-ray, luckily all came back un broken although the soft tissue injuries in my spine are going to take some time to heal, so all good on that front so far.

If anyone can learn from my mistake, please do. This was one of the worst accidents I have had on an EUC and could have stopped me riding completely forever if I was unlucky.

Does anyone know if there is a way to switch this feature off or adjust it to a more reasonable angle for someone who rides an EUC probably not the way it was designed ? lol.

Or, is there another way to deal with this type of cutout ? If not, I will probably sell this V12 for something safer for my riding style. Any recommendations welcome.


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8 hours ago, Smoop said:

Does anyone know if there is a way to switch this feature off or adjust it to a more reasonable angle

There should be a tilt angle setting in the app where you can increase it.

Do know though, that tilt angle shutoff was originally put in place so the motor doesn't keep running when it's falling over. When the motor is running and the wheel is no longer under rider control, the tire can catch on the ground and fling the wheel in a random direction—this behavior is known as the "Gotway dance" and it can actually be very dangerous.

Use the adjustment with discretion! For normal or road riding, I'd set it to default to avoid the gotway dance. I'd only set it to a higher lean angle when I'm out in the dirt where there aren't any people or property nearby that might be harmed by a wheel that's bounding around flinging itself in random directions.

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On 3/3/2022 at 8:42 AM, Smoop said:

So I had this type of cutout on my V12 "See video below"
Or, is there another way to deal with this type of cutout ? If not, I will probably sell this V12 for something safer for my riding style. Any recommendations welcome.

I dont know if my words can help you, but I did the same mistake, KS-16S on bike trail with tilted curve. At the moment of Beep and cut-off I exactly know I didnt changed angle in App, but there was nothing I could do. I laughed like an idiot after my fall.
Nothing broken too, just my wrist played a nice color variantions for about 1 week (but fully ok after 6 months).
Take care, wish you a fast recovery.

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