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I got my Aikesu A9 unicycle this week. 2000 W, 1360 WH, looks hot, but I would have a question or two ...:
1. There are no setting options in the Chinese operating instructions. Here I read how to set up the gyroscope by pressing and holding the power button. Is there another way to set this?
Maybe on the motherboard?
2 Motherboard type: Begode_Unicycle_20210607, V12.6.
Does anyone have a description of this? I'd be grateful for!
I want to connect a throttle and I'm looking for solutions.
Where could it be connected? If anyone had any information about this I would appreciate it very much ...
3. I feel very unstable, but it may be because I haven't gone through it yet and I can't get used to it ... Does anyone have any experience with this?

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