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V8F + EUC World - max peak current you've ever seen?


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For members here that have a V8F and use EUC World, I'm wondering what is the maximum peak current you've ever seen from EUC World for the V8F? In my case, it was a bit over 25 amps. I've since set EUC peak current alarm to 20 amps, but the actual peak can be higher due to delay and other factors.

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and we have a winner (from another forum). If you wait a few minutes for the wheel statistics to show up on this EUC World trip page (you may have to sign in, it doesn't seem to show up at all sometimes), on a 1.4 mile trip on a near level path, the V8F manged to reach max current of 38.7 amps, and max power 2544 watts. The rider thinks that maybe a small bump triggered the spikes:



Edited by rcgldr
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  • 2 months later...

That's a bit concerning if a small bump cased such a spike. I'm guessing that is pretty close to blowing the 30A fuse? I know they can handle short spikes above 30 but I would hope the wheel should only draw 25-30A and above during pretty obvious heavy strains.

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24 minutes ago, Heymelon said:

That's a bit concerning if a small bump cased such a spike. I'm guessing that is pretty close to blowing the 30A fuse?

Fuses are acting with some delay, so even if the peak current is higher than fuse rating, as long as it lasts for only a fraction of second, it won't blow the fuse. As V8F is a 16", such a current spikes are quite common, especially when you're riding your wheel near its limits. If you take a look at the current graph (which has sub-second spikes filtered out), you'll see that during entire ride sustained current is below 15 A.

It's also worth noting that this particular ride was pretty "aggressive", of course in relation to the wheel (V8F which is not a king of speed & torque). Most of the time speed was only 5 km/h below wheel limit, also power output is relatively high; for entire ride average power was ~440 W.

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Ah, okay! That's helpful to know about the sub second spikes filter, is that enabled by default in EUC world? Maybe it's only a thing on journey tracker bc I feel I can quite easily get readings above 15A with some "aggressive" riding. 

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4 minutes ago, Heymelon said:

Ah, okay! That's helpful to know about the sub second spikes filter, is that enabled by default in EUC world? Maybe it's only a thing on journey tracker bc I feel I can quite easily get readings above 15A with some "aggressive" riding. 

Current displayed on chart is filtered, so the graph is cleaner and more informative (spikes are very common, without filtering graph would be hard to read and evaluate). But spikes are recorded in min/max stats, so you have better view on extremums of the ride parameters. Note that subsecond spike filter only applies to EUC World tour graphs, not the app readings.

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5 hours ago, Heymelon said:

That's a bit concerning if a small bump cased such a spike. I'm guessing that is pretty close to blowing the 30A fuse? I know they can handle short spikes above 30 but I would hope the wheel should only draw 25-30A and above during pretty obvious heavy strains.

A blade type 30A fuse is spec'ed to handle 33A for 100+ hours, so there's some margin there. However at 40A, the minimum blow time is 0.75 seconds. 

The peak current and minimum voltage seem correct. The 38.7A peak resulted in the battery pack sagging about 17 volts down to 65.7 volts. A test of the V8F MJ1 battery showed the equivalent of a 20S2P pack sagging about 14.5 volts, down to about 68.2 volts at 30A. 

https://lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/LG 18650 MJ1 3500mAh (Green) UK.html

I'm not sure how to interpret minimum battery percentage from EUC World. 65.7 volts with no load would be close to 0% battery charge. 

Wrong Way did have a close call when doing an aggressive acceleration test on an S18. He got pedal drop at 40 kph (on a 50 kph wheel), and it stopped sending data to EUC World, but due to his experience, he was able to avoid a crash. Starting voltage was 79.6 volts, 77% charge. He backed off a bit at 25 kph, but after that, current kept increasing to a displayed peak of 53 amps, with the 20S3P battery pack sagging 11.9 volts down to 67.7 volts, 6% (which is why I wonder about the minimum battery percentage reported from EUC world tour data). 



Edited by rcgldr
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57 minutes ago, rcgldr said:

A blade type 30A fuse is spec'ed to handle 33A for 100+ hours, so there's some margin there. However at 40A, the minimum blow time is 0.75 seconds. 

Interesting, I think I had heard about the 10% buffer but didn't know it was that stable. Thx

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