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electroluminescent paints and vinyl


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What are people's thought's .. and/or .. experiences with electroluminescent paints and vinyl ?

Distributed powered light .. user/creator can create various colors and designs.

A kind of middle ground between LEDs and reflectives .. newer tech and not yet exploiting economies of scale (soo more expensive).


Some examples :











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All those colors I've seen glow brightly only for a very short time. :-/ For it to beat a retroreflector, it would have to glow bright enough for hours (or recharge in seconds under street lamps). :(

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5 minutes ago, Zopper said:

All those colors I've seen glow brightly only for a very short time. :-/ For it to beat a retroreflector, it would have to glow bright enough for hours (or recharge in seconds under street lamps). :(

An exterior light source is not involved with these .. These do not ever require any exterior light source .. as long as you provide electricity they give off light continuously ... weeks , moths, years , etc. Like an LED .. Except in this case .. instead of individual LEDs .. it's a paint that glows , whatever pattern or design you create with that paint.


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