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Well, that sucks...


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Day 3 of training and everything is going swimmingly - finally learned to mount properly and ride in a more-or-less straight line. And just as I was tackling the turns, I lost balance, slipped off the wheel, and watched in horror as it happily continued rolling without me.

Until it went BAM! dead-on into a concrete wall.

I took every precaution to pad the wheel with cardboard and duct tape before I started practicing, but the force of this hit was something to behold. As it bounced, it literally went airborne 4 ft backwards and then crashed a full length of a parking stall away.

As I was cursing loudly while watching the cracked body, my idiot brain cracked a joke back at me "well hey, look at the bright side - at least the cardboard is intact"

Idiot brain!

My heart is bleeding :'-(

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Ouch that sucks. Always a risk involved, tis why the payoff in getting a hang of it, is so nice. On the bright side, perhaps the batteries are fine and plastic is cheap. No better time than now, to check pricing and learn to rebuild one. Typically knocking the new off a wheel is a good thing. Im pretty sure you knocked right on past that point. Personally, I think the brick wall jumped out in front of you.

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one thing might save you... the tire on the 16X sticks out a bit proud of the plastics so what likely hit the wall was the tire. Then the beast tried to climb the wall, which is why it took off like a Falcon 9 (this happened to me except it ghost rode over to a curb, hit the curb and leapt 3 feet straight up). Your landing was obviously rough though. I hope it made it.


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6 hours ago, Tawpie said:

...the tire on the 16X sticks out a bit proud of the plastics so what likely hit the wall was the tire. Then the beast tried to climb the wall, which is why it took off like a Falcon 9... 

'Splains the second that made me think EUCs are capable of flight. It basically did the wall walk up until the tire sprung it backwards. It was at least 2 feet high up, maybe more, at its apex.

So the outer shell can be replaced? Duct tape is holding it together for now, and I'll probably put more dings as I'm able to ride it more then a few feet now. But it would be comforting to know.

Just how hard of a hit can those things take? If I had known they can continue rolling like that, I would have at least tried to hold one foot on it longer so as to tip it

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