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Kingsong 16s cut off status keeps after lift up


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Hi everybody, sorry english is not my native language

Today i was testing wheel balance for prevent wobbling,  kingsong  cutted off after lifted up;  100% battery charged, after that, it keeps leaning forward and backward, it keeps in charging status in app, without being connected, i had have to shortcut 2 pins to activate discharging and engine engage, however, now,  every single time, i power off, on, bad behavior  comes again, leaning without motor engage;  what could this been?, some overcharging system protection? how could i correct this?


Thanks in advance!

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Could it be some kind of overvoltage or motherboard failure?, because after full charge, and disconnection from the outlet, KS16 keeps in charging status, locking the wheel rolling forth and back, without traction.

KS16S problem

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1 minute ago, Mauricio said:

Could it be some kind of overvoltage or motherboard failure?, because after full charge, and disconnection from the outlet, KS16 keeps in charging status, locking the wheel rolling forth and back, without traction.

KS16S problem


Which voltage is reported?

Is your wheel still in warranty - get in contact with your reseller!

Sounds like some very odd problem?

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Sometimes more than 67v, but, if i join 2 of the 3 of the input pins the wheel, it works porperly, i am able to normaly ride, but, if power off for any reason, again keeps in changing mode, until join the pins again, or discharge 2 or 3v, its to odd

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