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Ninebot one e+ consistently pulling me back


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I'm still a newbie, yesterday I went and took my ninebot e+ for a ride with no problems. I was going what I thought was a pretty fast speed no issues.  But today it keeps pulling me back from going faster. Im barely going at a walkers speed and its saying I'm going 12 km/h. Is there anyway to recalibrate the speedometer on this thing or is there a way to go faster than 12km/h. when I bought this thing it was advertised at 20km/h. I need help, I feel like I'm barely moving and it pulls me back!

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Can I take you haven't got the limiter set on the app?  Easy enough to 'catch' unintentionally, which would explain the poor performance?

Have you tried the re-calibration option from the app?  Not too sure exactly what this does, but it did 'tighten' the response from mine when I tried it earlier today (kind of felt like something had worked loose inside, but after the calibration it was perfect again!).

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Yeah, more than likely the limiter is turned on.  You'll need to get the ninedroid app installed.  Once you have it installed and talking to your ninebot, look for the icon that looks like a spedometer.  Make sure its not highlighted along the top of the app UI.  Touching the spedometer icon along the bottom right is how you toggle it on/off.



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  • 2 weeks later...

this have happened to me as well, the speed limit is off.

it actually went so far that i stripped my ninebot down and checked every cable.

Some days it works perfekt, the next day walking speed and the tilt back feels quite unstable as well, my ninebot tilt back at different speed each time. happened after i got my mainboard replaced cus the 1.2.6 update killed it.

The app still says im running max speed -.-

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