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Help / Advice with my Tesla purchase ?


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23 minutes ago, Mono said:
1 hour ago, Chriull said:

Also http://ieejournal.com/Vol_3_No_2/Different Braking Techniques Employed to a Brushless DC Motor Drive used in Locomotives.pdf shows diminishing torque with decreasing speed for each of the braking techniques (also their "approach" to regenerative braking is to my knowledge different than the one used with EUCs).

So (theoretically!) maximum possible braking deceleration should be (more or less) proportional to speed?! (M=k*v, F=M/r, a = F/m -> a = k*v/(r*m) )

WIthout having looked into any of this in detail, that doesn't sound as it could possibly be true. It would mean that when switching from forward motion to backward motion one has first decreasing torque when speed approaches zero and at zero speed a torque jump from 0 to maximal torque/acceleration. That would also suggest that there is only minimal torque for backward-self-balancing when going slowly forward. Both neither make sense in my physics intuition (when I activate the motor in forward direction it should have only minor influence whether it is currently slowly moving forward or backward) nor (much more importantly) is it supported by the evidence when riding EUCs.

Should be "dynamic/regenerative braking techniques" instead of "each". As you noticed with reverse/plugging braking there is torque possible and "normal" also while crossing "zero speed". From the paper (section plugging braking): "When speed is zero there does torque exists. So mechanical brakes are applied at that instant to prevent reverse motoring"

That's also the content of the recommendation 

1 hour ago, Chriull said:

 https://e2e.ti.com/blogs_/b/motordrivecontrol/archive/2013/10/18/the-art-of-stopping-a-motor#. They suppose to use this reverse braking and change to dynamic braking (shortening the motor coils) approaching zero speed (2)

Of course, in our (EUC) case this switch to mechanical brakes/dynamic brakings is superflues, since the wanted (needed) acceleration is controlled by the pedal angle - so there is no constantly used technique, but continousily changing (technique and "intesity") depending on the user input (pedal angle) and "EUC state".

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