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Daniel Hollinghurst

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    V8, tesla, Kingsong S18(died week1 waterdamage)

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  1. I see... More confirmation that I had a dodgy battery after all. Good to hear you got it sorted
  2. Disassembly was simple following the video , I also ended up throwing all the screws in the same container...oops. Shouldn't be too bad guessing where they go hopefully
  3. Looks great! My shock without pressure and being out of the unit all together puts up more than a fight than that when trying to compress it. I'm hoping after reassembly and new parts I can get my suspension movement smooth like that.
  4. 0 Not sure I'd trust them now. Would be interesting to see how well they held up though. Yeh that'll be lovely, not sure what they'll send exactly, a new s18 would be nice :p. S18 was pretty easy to disassemble. So hoping reassembly is easy as well. Yeh kingsong/ Jack has been pretty good, we almost had a bit of a fall out though because I took one of our conversations a bit funny, maybe I was being paranoid and awkward, anyway he took over the claim internally himself Speedyfeet was very generous too saying he will help out with a discount if I don't get it sorted, even though I didn't buy from him. Lovely bloke. Jack said he couldn't see a reason for cutout either, especially when comparing it to his rides. It's a bit of a mystery. ( I suspect battery issues though, they weren't getting any better at holding charge properly). Power output felt concervative, but it felt fine, solid, stable at speed, a joy to ride. I did notice voltage going a bit nuts even when stood still (on the volt graph in KS app). Not sure if normal. It was spikes from 75-82V instead of flat after coming off the charger. I wasn't being demanding on the power, gotten pretty good at EUC and keeping safe over the years... highest output was like 1300W, cutout couldn't have been much higher :/ where's my 5000w peak hmm :(. Anyway, logs aren't perfect, and I don't have any more details, so not sure. So it's good of them to take my word for it and help out. A Shame the same couldn't be said for my Chinese reseller. Kingsong said they didn't have a claim matching mine. Maybe theres only so much chicway could do without stepping on the wrong toes. Anyway, in a week or so I should know exactly what's happening. But it seems they're sending free parts out and I have to pay shipping fees. Which means I may not need to buy a new one from speedyfeet after all :). But sucks I have to spend out on something that already tried to off me. Wouldn't have gotten noticed without the EUC community behind me, so very grateful for that!
  5. Oh man, good luck with the 16x! I think the s18 batteries are pretty well sealed. Now the connectors are dried out the voltages are looking better. I've not broken into the pack fully like you have. I think there might have been issues before they were underwater so I wouldn't trust them regardless. Hopefully it doesn't cost too much to get new ones sent. Kingsong took over my claim internally which was really good of them. Jack said might be better to buy new one, but will try to fix first.
  6. I have some videos using my calibrated DMM for the charger voltage. this is from my warranty claim stuff. I have this long boring video showing the charge weirdness (this is the charge from 90%, but did the same from 20%) Off the charger the wheel settled around 81.3V or 93% in KS app and 90% in EUC world. hope it helps with yours... Not sure there was any self balancing stuff once it hits that 95% barrier. just sits there forever, it seemed that way for me anyway. unless I rode it down a lot then stuck it on. anyway range and performance was pretty close to expected regardless. i did have an unexplained cutoff, not sure if related to battery imbalance or whatever. i raised the warranty claim because i was losing 10% before even getting to use it. That first 10% gets you a load of fast paced range normally. Also the rapid drop off was way higher than the 0.02*20=0.4V or whatever you're supposed to see. someone mentioned the 500mV level as a sign to look into it on another forum post about a tesla. and others were reporting as high as 84.5V on their S18, dropping only to 84.3V after two days.
  7. I'm not so sure it was kingsong not honoring warranty, when they got wind of it they stepped in. I don't think they had a record of any claims matching mine. I got the wheel, and warranty updates through chicway. They may have not given all the details, or only tired for new batteries or something. Not sure, make of it what you will.
  8. Thanks for the advice. Jack did get in contact . They're going to send some parts or something. Will sort out what's happening tomorrow. Yeh hopefully doesn't cost too much.
  9. Kingsong got in touch, apparently no claims matching mine. Not sure what that means. Anyways they're looking into it for me hurrah, might get it going again after all.
  10. CSV logs are blank, including the ones on website. Must be from when I was hitting buttons like a chimp in the app. I'm in android is there a directory I can get to? Edit: think I found it, all blanks, appart from one which was from May on another wheel...
  11. The adaptive tiltback feature below 50% was lovely, they should implement that at 100% to a lesser degree around top end. 80% beeps or something. But looking at my power output I was just cruising around at less than 1300W. It was probably thinking about tilting back and just that action caused the cutout. Even a small nudge/adjustment during that time might have been too much. I feel I should've had plenty of headroom though, with the already limited speeds and low cruising output power. Maybe 46/48kph is just too high for this wheel with the 3p. It seems like I didn't have the CSV logs active, there's no logs in my phone, just blank ones and an old Tesla one. So we're probably not going to be able to find out more. Thanks for your efforts and insight.
  12. I think I skipped past anger and went to straight to dissapointment. A lot of venting came through passing on the story. I think it's important people have awareness, I think I was under the delusion that kingsong products are supposed to be safer/give more warning than older less powerful (on paper) gotways (Tesla). It was certainly an expensive supprise and huge dissapointment to learn otherwise. I really enjoyed my short time with my S18, and was looking for an excuse for it. Maybe a way to convince myself to get another... But I'm not sure I can. I nearly left it in the lake because I couldn't see it, the water was so dirty and I had cuts all over. Luckily my workmate came in the van and talked me into it. Maybe if it hadn't happened how it did and it happened somewhere on a road or something, I wouldn't even be here to complain or get angry. It could have been worse. The EUC community had beebln really great, lots of support . It would be lovely if kingsong did reach out to help, but I'm not holding onto that hope... I'm not even sure kingsong knows about this case, or would care. Seems they're not obligated to do anything. In my denial of warranty claim, because of the water damage I cannot prove anything was wrong with the wheel, and so they won't help. Upon hearing that I was a bit angry for sure, why should I have to prove anything more etc etc. If they admit fault and offer help, they'd be praised as kings! Its concerning though, kingsong saying there was nothing wrong with the wheel, feels like them saying that's normal, all S18s must do that. Beeps and tiltback just sometimes don't work for no reason, it's a feature. I don't think any EUC company covers water damage.
  13. Hopefully they are. Would be great if I can get it going again! Good little side project for sure.
  14. Thanks for the tips! I'll go get the batteries and motor and open them up. Battery voltages were not ok, but the short may have been external (water in the connectors and across control board). I think lithium ions are pretty durable in that respect. Heat was the first thing I checked for, before lugging it in the back of the works van to get the ferry... The next day as soon as I got home began dissassembly. It's fully dissasembled now, will have a round two as soon as I can bare it.
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