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About tymerTHEcheezGUY

  • Birthday 03/01/1984

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  • Location
    iuka, Kansas, USA
  • EUC
    Inmotion v3+, Gotway mcm3, Kingsong 16s, Kingsong 18xl

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  1. https://imgur.com/a/hWF6iXJ Grabbed a few shots at the Regional Airport near me while I was out tonight. Used to be an old army airfield where some of the B-29's were built. Even had a fly-by of one of the few remaining operational B-29's last summer, I'll have to dig those shots up sometime as well. Only one original hangar remains, but the skeletons of several others still stand. I can get more shots of the "walking tour" guide posts another time if anyone has any interest. Every now and then, out where the planes used to test fire the machine guns you can still find fully jacketed rounds work their way up to the surface from where they were buried. Not far from my parents house a few miles away still stand the bombing run test hills, I'm told they used to drop bags of flour so the crew could check their accuracy. As well as some old infantry firing ranges, however we (our construction company) was asked to demo those so that the ground could be farmed as well as used for leased hunting but it was interesting to unearth that little bit of history.
  2. Usually keep these views for myself (part of the 'zen of the ride' I guess), but thought I'd share my view this cold 30°F morning. The colors were WAY better in person!! Had to crop a bit due to upload restrictions :-/
  3. Not much to see but pretty colors, thought I'd share my view this morning
  4. Worst: a group of guys watched me riding towards them, but from across the street, for what was easily a block. Clearly curious. Necks craned, all eyes on, the works. But waited until I was half a block passed them to scream "GET THE F**K BACK HERE! I WANNA SEE THAT F***ING THING!!" And some various other expletives after I only gave the barest of glances over my shoulder and speed off at 20 mph. Just COMPLETELY uncalled for. I'd have been happy to stop and talk/show it off if there had been some civility and courtesy in the request.... Best: loads of that's awesome/cool/crazy or any others to the that extent. Just this evening I was called over by about the most polite kid on the last leg of my ride going through the college campus. "Sorry, but what is that thing, sir? (I'm only 35 and get constantly carded at liquor stores, come on! Lol)." "If I could ask what is that? Would you mind if I try it, sorry for asking." I let him try and held him up so he could get a feel for it. Gave him name of the wheel, prices, all that good stuff. Even pointed him towards ewheels.com. Hopefully have another wheeler out there soon!
  5. Thanks, Rehab. Yeah enjoying an evening ride before the storms rolled into my area. It was 87° F when I was out riding, dropped to 54 in an hour and a half... Just had a sat on the ground next to my wheel, filming with my phone, nothing special. YET. I'd like to get a nice camera, but then again I've only got either black top, highway, or dirt/sand roads to ride so nothing too scenic.
  6. Thunderstorms from the plains of Kansas. No audio due to the 20+ mph wind, but had a lovely view!
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