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mmk last won the day on September 4

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    Inmotion V 11

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  1. mmk


    please excuse the newbie here. What does PWM mean in this context? I'm only familiar with "pulse width modulation" but can't think how that might apply to tiltback triggering. Or maybe explain how that works, please? Maybe a pointer to another thread?
  2. You could try using a heat gun on the pedal base. Alu will expand a lot more than the steel rod and will likely relieve the binding pressure.
  3. Maybe build up confidence by practicing on a nice, soft grassy patch? Nicer for you and even for the machine.
  4. A step in the right direction. Promised for this year and it ain't over yet, so here's hoping
  5. mmk


    Forget the handlebar, what you're wanting is a trailer for your camping gear. You could, of course drape your pack over the trolley handle but having once gotten on the pedals with the handle extended, I had visions of impalement at the thought of riding like that.
  6. I am but have never used it, or rather rarely, for one on one convos. I'm mmohlk on there. Locally, central Mexico, all we use is whatsapp. Is there a non local telegram group of some sort? How do I find it? Have been looking for a backpackable EUC. Nothing ideal thus far. Maybe we need to lobby a manufacturer? That would be immensely cool. I do have one site where the EUC might come in handy, allowing to leave the car by the LZ, but still necessitates driving up to retrieve the wheel.
  7. No effing shit !!!!!!!! Paragliding of course !!!!!!!! That's it, we're getting our own thread.... BGD Base2 S and SEA Runa here....... finally I can throw out some shit others won't quite understand, as I have been subjected to from perusing the forum. How 'bout : The geezer ride and fly club other suggestions?
  8. Cautiously curious? Only been at it for a couple of months. It's a fun way of working on reflexes, leg strength and balance. All three clearly improving. No high speed expectations whatsoever, goes without saying. Adrenaline fix gets covered otherwise so no need to push it here.
  9. Your notion of "take forever to heal" will be getting a tweaking all too soon. pushing 70 here. Nuff said?
  10. Possibly not even necessary to tighten anything but finding out where it comes from is a good idea.
  11. you should be marketing your "EUC boo-boo-go-away" salve.
  12. Wild guess, of course, not being in front of the unit That could be the suspension unloading/extending beyond where it normally goes when not loaded but vertical. By placing it face down you're removing the weight of the unit from the suspension, that bit of travel is where the noise comes from. A very little used part of the suspension travel so not worn and possibly not well lubed. Try "lifting it up" as vertically as possible, by the handles, and see if you get a similar noise.
  13. McMaster Carr is a safe bet for such hardware but I suspect the whole endeavour to be mostly pointless. The OG video speaks of stripped screws while showing a perfectly good threads on their sample. If stripping is actually happening its likely not the screws/bolts but the parts with the female threads. That or the hamfisted "mechanics".
  14. Max output could be quite extreme, depending on how flammable the surroundings are... sorry, hard to resist.
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