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abclyw last won the day on March 1

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    Burnaby, BC
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  1. yeah, looks like you can remove: - Side Pieces - Headlight - Kickstand - Trolley - Screen ... and save around 4-5lbs more for "race setup"
  2. Wow, that's quite the impressive breakdown. 76% of weight is the batteries, motor + Tire ? 3% for the shock? Leaving 20% for the rest of the wheel...
  3. I'd assume they increased the strength of the spring inside the shock. However, only time will tell I guess.
  4. I heard this product was cancelled. UPDATE: NVM. They decided to push through.
  5. Yeah, I checked with Jason and they said they will audit the entries at the end of the submission period. They don't want to dedicate resources to auditing each entry. I was told that it's going to be the most GPS mileage covered in the first 16hrs of any tour.
  6. Here's a Google Link for those that want to track the current submissions/Leaderboard. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSLTSfxSNH4vI6_WZN9YvF1tyFCkFrwqj41r6jzFxJSIaXKZbUGm24qsJ_jNwZfvp0dNGDjJB99HhbK/pubhtml?gid=695594961&single=true
  7. it does count I think, but I doubt you'll be breaking any records.
  8. Hi Unventor, Don't want to be confusing shock travel with wheel suspension travel. The Wheel has total travel of 85mm. The Shock has total travel of 56mm. The linkage provides a travel ratio that can be linear or progressive by design that connects these two travels.
  9. It says open to the entire world right before the ALL CAPS COMMON SENSE blurb haha
  10. Woah. This is a sick challenge. Time to dust off my Master Pro
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