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Al Alcatraz

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Al Alcatraz last won the day on July 22 2023

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    KS 16S, Patton🥖

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  1. He drilled holes in the cooling fins of the case. However his version of the Arctic has the cooling fins conveniently aligned vertically. Mine has them going diagonally.
  2. The Sherman is a little bit narrower. Here is a photo of the ShermanS with an Arctic attached to it. It’s from a fellow rider herein Moscow.
  3. Not if you turn upside down the 3 lenses within the Arctic. Then everything equals out.
  4. I got that info from fellow riders who already dealt on the ShermanS with LeaperKim's ill-conceived headlight. Judging a headlight only by the specs can be misleading. For example, comparing the Arctic v3.1 side by side with the standard lamp, the contrast in favor of the Arctic is so stark you would never guess that there is only a difference in 2 watts. Also, I’ve found myself using the daytime running light most of the time. I am a bit surprised how much more attention I get in traffic (pedestrians are looking intriguingly on it‍🤩) because at first I was keen to have it just for the cool look.
  5. I took the stereo plug together with the cable from the original headlight. But in case you want to use your own stereo plug I found this instruction useful: The yellow cable in this example is in the original cable white. It's obviously for the beeper.
  6. I would be cautious connecting a 92W headlight to the Patton since the controller has been built with an 18W headlight in mind. Ultimately, all these headlights are from China so you might find better options on aliexpress.
  7. It's a 3 phase switch. I don't know from where they got it but I am very happy how they attached it to the headlight.
  8. No rocket science here: - take an aluminum strip or one out of strong plastic - drill one hole on each side and one in the middle - use the mount for the hole in the middle that is provided with the headlight - Use the bolts from the Patton for the side holes. > done And as a bonus you get much more accessible charging ports.☺️
  9. Hi, I did not provide a link because I bought my from a Russian marketplace. https://ozon.ru/t/ENrNnZl Yeah, there are multiple variants floating around and if you buy very cheaply or from a shady dealer you might get a less powerful one with a case made out of plastic instead of aluminum. I was told the original headlight runs on 12V and 18W. Here are some specs my dealer offered: Потребляемая мощность основного света: 20W Потребляемая мощность ДХО: 4W Рабочее напряжение: от 12 до 80V Длина провода: 55 см Влагозащита: IP 67 Материал: алюминий Термопаста с завода: да Вес без крепежа: 272 г
  10. The headlight the LeaperKim Patton deserves! This is the Arctic v3.1+ Does not stick out because it fits perfectly between the the batteries above the wheel. A red 3 phase switch has been installed on the bottom of the lamp by an electric scooter workshop. They assured me that it is water resistant. The headlamp has an integrated daytime running light that consumes only 3.8 watts. I like the orange/yellow look but there is also a version with white/blue light. The main light consumes 20 watts. Not much more than the regular lamp. However, the difference is like day and night. The light of the LEDs is spread by the lenses evenly and has a clear cut-off line. I am extremely happy with the result. I've tested it now for almost a week and had no complains from pedestrians.
  11. You would only notice in a quiet room or for example inside an elevator. Fun fact: The sound changes slightly when turning on the headlight. At least in my Patton.
  12. It seems to be the the controller. Electromagnetic coils can emit such a sound. Nothing unusual here. Mine wheel does the same. In German it's called Spulenfiepen.
  13. A variable resistor for the beeper might be the the way to go. But meanwhile I went for a super simple solution. 🙄 I know how it looks. But it ain't stupid if it works, right? As a bonus you get some added water resistance. 🤫😜
  14. I doubt that the V11 will stay relevant besides the Patton. However, I share your displeasure regarding the headlight. That's why I am looking for an aftermarket solution for it. But for the time being I made a quick fix: . Regular headlight: After the quick fix: The illumination is far from good but at least I don't blind everyone.
  15. At first I also found it super inconveniently. But now after 2 weeks I got used to it. Now, plugging in the Patton for a quick charge up is pretty much a non issue.
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