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    Seattle Washington U.S.A.
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    KS 16S, KS14C

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  1. Try as I might I can’t keep the link working on Dropbox. There is a new app out that works better. A copy should be available under the download tab at the top of this page. Good luck.
  2. Thinking about my next project. I ended up with some extra KS14C hub motors when I rebuilt my electric unicycle. Considering building an electric scooter so my less talented friends can ride with me. I have a scooter base that 14” wheels will fit and it’s stable at speed, long and low slung. A speed of 30 mph should be a reasonable expectation with one 800 watt motor and close to 45 mph with two pushing me. I’ll be repurposing a 680 wH battery pack from a broken unit for power. First project will be to get a single motor working with 340 watt hour pack. Then when I figure out how to stop it, double the power and battery. I am considering a standard twist or thumb throttle. Questions: 1. Does anyone have a suggestion for a motor controller capable of driving this single motor upgradable for dual motors? 2. Any ideas how to stop this thing? Not much rim contact area to mount a standard brake calipers with the fill stem basically coming out of the rim. Maybe a way to retain electric braking with controller? 3. Has anyone done this?
  3. I found my new avatar. My camp had a generator. There are also a few solar camps that offer outlets if you are desperate. You would have to be real trusting to leave it unattended while it charged. Don't expect a car battery to give you any useful range using an inverter unless the car is running while charging. It will take much longer.
  4. Link to short video of riding at Burning Man. My girlfriend at the time only had a week of practice on my KS 14c, did pretty good in the wind. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iyvwxf0x971u2ow/20180826_122007.mp4?dl=0
  5. I’ll be going again. Last year electric unicycles were everywhere. Easily saw 70 to 80 every time I ventured out. Even a few meetups on the official program. One wheels all over too. Opened my wheel up for maintenance. The dust gets everywhere even on the board. Still going strong so not worried. About the 5th time hosing it off aggressively the brown playa stream finally ran clear.
  6. Try this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4sj6e4hfp599vxa/KSv4.apk?dl=0
  7. I am back and both the wheel and I are alive. Well aged, but alive. First a couple of observations. This was an amazing year for playa conditions. The surface was smooth almost everywhere. Even the dust berms where only as bad as freshly shifted flour. Anything with wheels had no problem going most anywhere. Another observation, one wheels dominated the electric wheel count. Not surprising since they market for soft and dusty conditions. The big fat wheel is not the way to go though. It's a dust plow and I have seen plenty of them nose down and toss the rider. As far as the number of electric unicycles present, very, very, few. I only saw one ninebot once around a plug and play camp in the city. There were a few various brands around the airport. In my mind I can't imagine getting around burning man on a bike anymore. I went down every street a couple of times and all over the deep playa. It was a hot year and the wheel did great. I wouldn't think any wheel would overheat because it's so flat. Here are my thoughts for future years for typical conditions: A 14 inch wheel is probably to small. Rutty roads need a bigger wheel. 18" is ideal. A useful range of 20 miles between charges is plenty. A high top speed is not that important. Anything faster than 10 mph is frowned upon and not necessary. Think of it as riding around a busy city plaza with pedestrians and bikes everywhere. EUC's will ruin Burning Man next year. Pics coming soon.
  8. That dust is truly bad news and I've had bikes ruin their bearings after only a week. I'll be taking my KS14C 640WH wheel. A bit small but lots of range. It's my extra wheel that I just rebuilt. Crossing my fingers that it makes it. Should be a good playa year with smooth surface most places. I don't expect overheating to be a problem. Temps in the 80s mostly and no hill climbing. Personal mobility devices have always been allowed. Historically they've been the tiny chainsaw scooters. No, I don't ride slow. I always wanted to learn to ride a manual unicycle. To damn hard though. Circus camp gives lessons all week, maybe it's time. As far as being distracted, it's only for a couple days. After Tuesday you stop noticing the naked yoga classes across the road. My camp is running a generator. They won't miss a couple amps. Charging shouldn't be a problem. I'll come back with a report on how it went, if I survive.
  9. I will be bringing one of my electric unicycles to Burning Man this year. I've been 8 times but I have never actually seen one there. I know that there are a few that have made it to Black Rock city. Looking for some first hand experience on how it worked out for you. I'm am most interested in how they do toward the end of the week when the dust gets deep. Did you keep riding or did you give up? Any lasting effects with the dust. Be glad to meet anyone out there for a ride.
  10. First of first of all thanks to user May for the contact email for KingSong support. flora@szkingsong.com was the support contact for KingSong. This contact is not listed anywhere I could find. All communications was in English over the WeChat app. Flora's English is better than mine. She should write the user manual. I was sent an android app and instructions in word format. The app is in Chineese. Thankfully the instructions are in English. Flora stated the iPhone app is buggy and that they are working on it. Screenshot of the app. . The line starting with KS16... is the serial number field. You want to change this to match the serial number sticker on the peddles of your wheel. I can't read Chineese but it looks like you can change more than the serial number field. Screenshot of the instructions. The app searches for and connects to the wheel. You must connect through the app. Just follow step one instructions. I have not been asked by KingSong to keep the app private. The fix is being pushed out to affected distributors to send to those needing it. Hopefully it is a small number. I don't know if the app can override speed settings to stupid levels or cause it to brick so I am reluctant to be responsible for the wide distribution of it.
  11. All fixed. Thanks KingSong. You need a special app to set the serial number. I will be posting a follow up with the steps it took after I get back from my first ride.
  12. Screenshot of the app without a serial number displayed.
  13. I just recieved a new KS16S. It seems that the factory is shipping a number of these out without a serial number assigned. When I turn it on I get 4 lights and continous beeping. I am able to connect via the app. I can change settings but no serial number is displayed. I am afraid of riding it when the software is in an error state. Jason at EWheels is looking for a factory fix for the issue. I have contacted KingSong through the KingSong support page and any English language email addresses I could find. No response yet. Don't bother calling the KingSong 803 area code support number in the app, it rings to some clueless guy in South Corolina. If anyone has resolved the serial number issue please share how it was done. I will provide an update when I get this fixed.
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