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Wraith Rider

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    V5F, MSX 84v, V10F, V11

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  1. I've been quiet reading through the last 40 pages or so. I'm actually pretty happy to see these issues being brought up on the first batch. Super excited for the V13 and will wait out for the 3rd batch. I have a feeling they might redesign the bolt hole situation in the next batches. Larger, evenly spaced out and possibly 5 instead of 4?! Might as well over engineer it and make it bullet proof. Hopefully they will resolve the water issue with temporarily shorting the power as well. Besides my favorite pads and pedal combo is still being designed.
  2. Hey Trung, I'm all about the Michelin Street Pilot 2 for the V13. Do you know if Inmotion would be able to fix the tiltback issue with firmware? I would think they could put an option of specific tires are being used on the wheel as an option.
  3. She is in Martys ride group. I would take any of their reviews with a grain of salt. They all have money and drop quite a bit EUCs. Almost all Begode riders swearing by the master and that entire line of wheels only care about the the fastest and longest distance. They could care less about safety.
  4. I'm not sure if there are any difference in the design of the V13 shocks but at least they did put 2 to a side to add rebound adjustment for the added weight. As much as we would proabably all love the cool fork mtb style shocks like the sherman S, the plus side is the V13 shocks will be far cheaper and easier to install than the Sherman S. I did see one downside from Wrong Ways video on the new Shermans S shock on the broken slider cap at the bottom. Also being custom designed from a 3rd party those won't be cheap to replace and also since its not from a high end name brand, your not getting the same quality from every part on the shock. From your videos, I think you have gotten plenty of life for all the riding and terrain you took your V11 on. Time for a little love for your V11 and put some shiny new shocks on it . I actually should probably do the same for mine.
  5. I wasn't talking about the actual shock. Its the mechanism that holds the shock that was poorly designed. The actual shock that begode threw on each of the wheels were also the wrong size hence why people were trying to redesign the angle and length and just trying to replace the shock all together. All shocks eventually fail. At the moment they don't make a shock that is small enough and able to handle the forces on a EUC and a rider and the miriad of weight differences. You are right about it being a custom shock so yes inevitably they would be extremely hard to reproduce so hence the higher price. Thats not always the case for 3rd party depending how easy it is to make. An MTB shock will go bad just like an Inmotion air shock similar to the ones that hold up the tailgate on your car. An MTB will be more expensive to replace in comparison because it much more complicated with the seals gaskets and adjustment parts. Its cheaper to replace the inmotion shocks than it is to replace the Begode shock even being custom designed for the V11. Not to even mention if it will even work with their factory arm design along with it. In essence the Inmotion is cheaper and a lot less headache to replace and integrate. Of course I would love to see Inmotion build their own type of MTB style fork shock like the one that was implemented in the Sherman S.
  6. I'm talking about the entire suspension system, not just a coil lol. Begodes master suspension platform began with a ton of issues from horrible attachment point for the pump, the sloppy play in-between the rails, and the wrong dimensions for proper shock travel. They tried to refine it over the 3 iterations of the master, then the T4 and finally the MP. People from the east coast are saying the MP suspension was implemented without taking into consideration the weight difference. Its pretty much the exact suspension from the Master platform. Just a bigger wheel and more or less packs bolted on the exact same platform. Why do you think so many models were able to be released so fast with hardly any testing? Its like what has been said by a few reviewers....they just swap out parts from their back room and make a new model lol. As for KS, it was touted as such a great off-road wheel by most of the community until the sliders basically started sticking from dirt and debris. Just like you can buy a whole redesigned Begode suspension system by EUC member, there is also a whole slider set you can buy to replace the current ones that someone makes. Who makes upgraded air shocks for the V11? Nobody. Thats because they either work or if they break they are just replaced. They may not be the most adjustable dampening but they are the most reliable.
  7. Some good points but like you said, taking a V13 off-road isn't really going to make it a strong point regardless if Inmotion marketed it as such. I also have a 1600 Msuper MSX and never had an issue with it. I have friends who own all the new Begode wheels. Nothing against them, its just the people who are hardcore Begode and nothing else compares. Like I mentioned above, the new sherman s has a questionable reliability issue structurally speaking. The pedals are already shown to have some major issues with the design they went with. IMO the only things I really like about the new sherman are the shocks that were honestly a long time coming, and the choice to try magnesium plates. This is why the best weather proof camera bodies are made from solid magnesium. No rusting. Also I do prefer the way IM designs their wheels with weight balance and ergonomics in mind. To me all the other wheels look the same with the exception to all the KS concept designs but poor adaptation to have it work properly with reliability.
  8. If you ride nonstop for that type of distance then of course lol. I can gladly say I don't ride for distance records anymore. As for the Sherman S, I think its still in a separate class just because of the top speed. Also Wrong Ways initial video does warrant real concern on what the reliability on the origami type structure will yield over time. How many people will tighten all the bolts on the wheel after every ride? Maybe possible go through and blue locktite all the bolts? It will also be by far the hardest wheel to change a tire on. I think with IMs in house ability to fabricate, they should consider building their own fork shock suspension. The air suspension wins for reliability against all others but it fails on real dampen settings.
  9. Well said. Battery size is going to be different for everyone because there are so many factors that affect how many miles you can get from it. For me I'm 185 fully geared, cruise between 30 and 40mph and can't do more than 60mi on a given day due to my knees. I'm too old to be trying to set distance records. I use the wheel to enjoy time outside. As much as I love the v13 speed aspect to keep up on group rides that I don't do as often anymore, I just appreciate the attention to detail and build quality Inmotion is doing. I just feel like $5000 for a V13 is a much better buy than a $4500 MP with some more batteries. I'll take quality all day every day over quantity.
  10. I love my V11 and the V13 will be the perfect complimentary wheel for everything the V11 can't do. I could only really ask for a redesigned V11 with features of the V13.
  11. Is it me or is there overwhelming hate on the V13? It only tells me that Begode riders are scared. I mean you can only buy larger motors and bolt more batteries on for so long . I guess they know Begode doesn't have the budget or the ability to do what Inmotion is doing with their wheels. All the chatter is you see online is only a small percentage of the buyers for these wheels. For 90% of riders, they will never use the top end speed or go the full distance of a MP much less the V13. Inmotion was smart in keeping it in house for so long to test, they are creating a ton of buzz with all the hate.
  12. Do you own a company? If you do please tell us what the product your company makes. I'm sorry but people that make these types of statements have no clue on what it takes to build and make a product and bring it to market. Please name just one company that doesn't have issues with its product when first released?
  13. Yes!!!! Thank you!!! An actual logical reasoning among all these “professional riders” I say let the people who are making the huge deal about this go buy a begode. WIth that said, IM definitely needs to invest money on some people who can do real PR with release and testing information and making videos. Absolute statements attract all the critics. In my opinion, if they can’t release properly high quality test footage with well explained explanations then they should just let the YouTubers do the reviews. It’s hard but we have to keep in mind that the people here on these forums, FB, and Telegram who like to voice every dramatic complaint are but a tiny group compared to the actual percentage of riders. Zen Lee reporting on Begodes issues isn’t going to get him clicks because that’s normal for Begode. IM on the other hand is the giant everyone is going to be critical of. Apple vs all the android phones is a great comparison. Only the common sensed that value their moneys worth will wait for a second or third batch before buying a v13. That’s how I buy any EUC regardless of brand. It should be expected there will always be issues especially from a new ground up model in the initial release. Also I have every confidence IM will fix these issues as they arise. I’ve said it several times already and will say it again. Inmotion is the only company that is pushing the boundaries to making EUCs actually better and I think they are going about it in a much better way than anyone else.
  14. Glad your ok. It a little bit of luck on Eucs. Its just the percentages of whether you get components that will last is really varied between the companies.
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