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  1. Short info from us: Y-Adaptery bridge all safety feature´s from BMS - Chirull has correct information Y-Adapters are wrong and not ok....in last conclusion you risk a battery fire --> overcharging is possible and a short circut gives extrem energy free Battery´s from us use only on first charge input one "diode" for safety reverse polarity on charging connector and charger itself. Battery packs than parallel trough mosfets (low resistance) When charger not switch off at 67,2V BMS cut charge mosfet over 4,24V at only one Cell and all is fine but only with right connection. When you have a drift in cell´s and Y-Connection you overcharge this Cell´s with highest voltage BMS charge mosfet from one BMS swtich off and the second parallel BMS does it not and bring the Voltage to overcharge Battery during Y discharge port back.... 1RadWerkstatt
  2. This is cheap china style... Many manufactures say balancing is not required and has no postiv effects and done. Every discussion when i buy BMS PCB´s in China...the sales manager says again and again "why you need balance" no other need balance. Last saying: when you buy good Samsung Cell´s you don´t need balance....funny Various EUC manufactures make the same thing....no balance in batterys! I have tell to all my manufactures i need balance in battery´s ever! In my contract with KingSong extra part that battery´s must have a balance function. Zero balance kills batterys....but how long it good work is a mystery 1RadWerkstatt
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