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    Pittsburgh, PA
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    RS19 HS (Sold), V13 Challenger

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  1. Original bolts, this wheel was on the first shipment to the states. As for riding behavior, ~2k miles city riding only, no jumps or anything I do ride rather hard also the roads here might be the worst in America.
  2. Opened up the wheel, every single motor bolt sheared off. Wish me luck on the warranty repair fellas, this is going through my Alie shop too. 100% will need new motor 😑.
  3. Hi guys, My V13 is violently shaking today coming home from a morning ride, anyone know what's going on here? It feels like there is some kind of wiggle when I turn the wheel on before it begins to rumble as such - wheel is no longer operational obviously. Video:
  4. Could I get some help troubleshooting this new issue I'm now having with my wheel? My screen is totally blank, no chirp noise or any audio when power cycling wheel or plugging in for charge, wheel is balancing, wheel appears to be charging correctly evident by the charger, wheel is connecting to the app however no functions work. Edit: After about 20 minutes and several power cycles the wheel and dashboard are now functioning correctly. This wheel is so dang buggy sometimes, thank you @HEC. Error log
  5. Shop sent me the new (updated) trolley handle, shorter and synergies perfectly with the seat now.
  6. 400+ miles odo. Anyone else getting intermittent error messages? I'm noticing these notifications mostly after power cycles and/or charging, I have been uploading the errors to Inmotion. My battery readings look healthy in the app, maybe just software glitches? -"motor hall_1 failed, motor hall_2 failed" This went away after taking it off my wheel stand several days ago. -i had an error saying something about a battery not acting correctly, this went away after a power cycle. -Attached is my last fault reading, went away after some time and power cycles.
  7. It was a cold day probably high 30s, when I finally got it on I ran the Inmotion diagnostic and everything was fine. It didn't shut down during use or anything, I turned my wheel off and set it on my kickstand for a few minutes afterwards it wouldn't turn back on.
  8. Same exact thing happened to me few days ago about an hour after a riding mud/water/snow- screen blank wheel wouldn't turn on. After five minutes it finally kicked but the balancing was completely messed up, I had to re calibrate and reset all of my setting sliders was very strange.
  9. Negative, not even close this wheel is extraordinary tall.
  10. It's on and balancing in this photo, it will flop so you'll need to park the stand forward on a wall for it to lean to.
  11. Yes up to date firmware, same reading in the app. Something to note my trolley will not latch closed fully with the seat on I think the molding must be off.
  12. My wheel came in couple days ago this thing is truly incredible, feels like I'm learning all over again though compared to my RS. Oh I am able to go 100% 126V!
  13. If we got jacked would our homeowner/renters insurance policy cover our loss? Is there any way to schedule theft insurance for a PEV? I like to do early AM rides downtown which often feels kind of sketch in my city, it's my biggest concern with these rides solo.
  14. The Sherman S should not even be in this conversation it ain't it, the EX30 however is very intriguing.
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