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Midlife Cricycle

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    V10 (retired), S18

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  1. Thank you so much for your efforts and expertise. Unaware of the use of loctite, I managed to completely thread a few of the barrel nuts in the suspension linkage system. I'm looking to replace them and was wondering what to search for (I'm not technical at all). What would I ask for at my local hardware store or look online for when it comes to replacing the barrel nuts and bolts? Are they all the same size/length in the different pivot points? Do I ideally replace them with stainless steel or is that just for the other screws? Again, your advice would be MOST appreciated! I'm tempted to just take the wheel over to you in NZ and pay you to work your magic! (I'm in Melbourne).
  2. I just heard back from these guys about this tire. Their (translated) response: “The winter tire which we have fit to S18 but you have to know the tire is 2.3" wide so it is much less then original 3.0". It is good for better grip but amortization on the tire will be less.” maybe it’s the language barrier but I’m not convinced by this response?
  3. I've asked about delivery to Australia - will advise the outcome.
  4. Okay, I accept that interpretation. It was far from my initial reaction which, if I'm honest, was perhaps coloured by our previous interactions over a separate issue. I am actually a very optimistic person and usually seek the best in people, but maybe of late I've become more jaded as the world descends into in-fighting, corruption, economic turmoil, etc. I've also been in lockdown for about 6 months and have been without a wheel for over 1 month, which is literal hell. Maybe in 2 days when my new wheel arrives I'll be more upbeat? I'm sorry I misinterpreted what you said. I'm sorry I derailed the thread. I don't regret raising the issue in the first place because, like I said previously, there is too much negative stuff out there that people don't call out or question because it's uncomfortable. Let's put this behind us and move on.
  5. How is that relevant? Do content creators get to say/do whatever they like just because you find their videos entertaining? Or does the fact that they put themselves out there mean they are equally open to criticism as well as fanboy praise? As others have said before, he is a big boy and can defend himself. Thanks for playing.
  6. Oh are we playing 'Guess the Inner Workings of Mike's Mind"? Okay, how about: - You were turned on after a day of hard riding and you were thinking about where you would like to have sex. - Someone off-camera was asking you a question relating to gynecology. - You were afraid of a cut-out and your words were merely an expression of your desire to retreat to the safety of the maternal womb. It might be easier if you just enlightened us all.
  7. Your argument essentially boils down to: 1. You are nice to women so your comment couldn't possibly be misogynistic. 2. Your comment was a play on words 3. Society places pressure on men to be more manly and extreme and comments like yours somehow liberate men from this trap. Your first argument falls flat for the reason that you can be both. For the record, I don't think you're a raging woman-hater (based on our limited interactions). I do think you might occasionally use language that perpetuates unhealthy attitudes to women. I have certainly done so in my life (as I earlier admitted) but have worked hard to get better at this and accepted responsibility when I've been called out on this. Your second argument - that "Right in the vagina" is a play on words - doesn't make sense to me. What word is being played with? If you think this is a pun, I suggest you look up the meaning of the word. Your third argument is the least convincing and really quite confusing. You admit that your comment was aimed more towards men. That's kind of my point. You made that comment with male audiences in mind but gave little thought to how women might hear it. I mentioned this whole thing to my wife and when I told her your comment at the end of your video, she recoiled. Can I suggest you ask your partner/female friends for their thoughts on your comment? I'm also not sure how a comment like that, aimed towards men who are trapped in this world of masculine expectations, is meant to help the situation. I'm genuinely confused and would appreciate your further insights. To me, "Right in the vagina" has obvious overtones of sexualised violence towards women. My interpretation is that you had just completed a day of tricks and jumps and felt like you had nailed it. Smashed it. Where? Right in the vagina. It was an assertion of your cigarette-smoking, too-tough-to-wear-a-helmet, dabbing manliness. I really didn't set out to start a war on a forum that I otherwise enjoy, but there is clearly a sexism problem here (have a look at past threads on this issue as well as the recent controversy over the Begode picture of a large-breasted model astride an EUC and the response to it). I also note the response of other posters, replying with no sense of irony for me not to get my "panties in a twist". And saying that "humour is humour", a tautological phrase akin to the old chestnut: "boys will be boys!". I stopped suggesting you wear a helmet when it became apparent that there is not much there worth protecting.
  8. Yes, it is my opinion that him saying "right in the vagina" is offensive to women and is the sort of attitude that keeps more from growing the sport. You can dismiss me as just another PC, bleeding heart, censorship-obsessed type but, like you, I don't give a shit. When I hear that stuff, I'll call it out. Not for you, because you are clearly not going to change, but for others who may be watching/reading and wondering if it's just them that get a little uncomfortable hearing such stuff. If more men called out other men's misogyny rather than dismissing it as just a little 'locker-room talk', the world would be a better place for all of us. It shouldn't matter whether it's a locker room, a board-room, behind closed doors or out in the open. The more it gets called out, the less we will hear it. Too bad if it makes things a bit uncomfortable. For the record, I used to find humour in that sort of stuff too. Then I stopped being a teenager.
  9. Saying "the world is full of all types" to excuse shitty behaviour is a cop-out. If you have no desire to make this community more inviting to 50% of the population, that's up to you. But I seriously doubt you speak for the majority, as you claim. That you admit you are irritating to damn near everyone suggests the opposite is closer to the truth. The IG video I watched is not 30 mins. More like 2. What I don't understand is why you are so active on this forum when you have such obvious disdain for nurturing a healthy community?
  10. Any updates on this thread? My S18 arrives in a couple of days and I'm planning to go full off-road mod on it. Obviously the tire is key to this and I want one that fits as well as keeps me upright! I'm leaning towards the CST-803 or the winter tire that @eve mentioned (I've emailed the supplier about this for confirmation if it will fit). I'd love an H-666 but can't find one anywhere. Thoughts/advice much appreciated.
  11. I have to say @Mike Sacristan I've always found you slightly irritating since I called you out on YT for not wearing a helmet and you snapped back at me to mind my own business. But I held back from commenting further as you clearly had no desire to change your ways or even acknowledge your role as an ambassador of the sport. But I won't stand by and say nothing about your misogyny. The childish sniggering about it being a 'moist' Saturday was one thing, but the final comment on your first video - "right in the vagina" - is just vile. Seriously, that sort of shit is unacceptable and is part of the reason the sport is still primarily one for 'bros'.
  12. After starting on a V10 and loving the off-roading stuff, I sold it a month ago and am getting my S18 in 3-4 days. Gonna stick a knobby on it, already bought a coil shock to upgrade and thinking of other ways to deck it out as my dedicated off-roader. Thinking army/jeep green wrap... pinterest: https://pin.it/3kzoL46 I'm aware of the problems but mine is 3rd batch and was sent back to the factory so it's going to have reliable suspension system and I've heard they've ironed out most of the other cracks that have been well-documented on these forums and elsewhere. It won't be perfect but that's the price you pay when you jump in early. Personally, I can't f_ing wait to take this thing offroad. Watching vids of Chooch/EUC bros/Flyboy/Zen Lee tearing across the land has me salivating... I think assuming it's got its problems sorted, the S18 is the better option as the suspension is just perfect for technical and can be tuned to work better on trail stuff. Plus it looks sick. It's mostly about the looks, if I'm honest.
  13. $1 a month is too much? Really? I'm sorry you went through such a terrible personal loss but it seems like this experience has made you against any form of legislation. This is a shame as legislation is not, in and of itself, evil. At its best, it helps us all live together safely and aware that every activity has boundaries, that with freedom comes responsibility. EUCs are no different. In fact, judging by the video in the OP and the response of some riders, I feel that the sooner we establish those boundaries, the better for everyone.
  14. Some great points being made by everyone to, dare I say, the biggest issue facing EUCs at the moment. We get all excited about the bells and whistles, the speed and the suspension, and we forget that these things could be legislated into oblivion at any time. I'm about to dosh out a few thousand on 2, maybe 3 wheels for myself, my wife and son and I'm worried that it'll all go down the toilet because some over-eager youtuber kills some kid in the pursuit of likes and it all blows up. I'm being melodramatic, sure, but really, with the speed these things go, the weight (check out the weight of the gotway ex!) and the build quality, it's a matter of time until this happens. A question I've got is: what is the ideal situation for EUCs in the next, say, 3-5 years? If you had to come up with laws that had to balance the freedom of riders and the safety of other road users, where do you draw the line? Caps on speed? Limit to bike paths only? Or maybe have different classes - Class A wheels are slower and can ride on footpaths, Class B are built for roads, freeways, etc and have to stay off footpaths, bikepaths. Thoughts? Too complicated?
  15. 1000% agree Shellac. The whole 'live and let live'/freedom argument assumes that we are operating in a bubble, when in reality we are riding super-powered, dangerous weapons, often illegally (or at least in a legal grey area) around innocent pedestrians who have little to no idea what an EUC is and when governments around the world are approaching the question of what to do with PEVs. If, as amelanso so eloquently put it above, we are all united in our passion for EUCs and want them to be around for a long time, we ALL need to be accountable for our actions and recognise that we are ambassadors for this new sport. Those riders who promote themselves through YT and other forums behaving recklessly (insufficient safety gear, high-speed riding past pedestrians, getting into fight fights with drivers (as the rider in the highway video has done) can't simply expect the rest of the community to shower them with praise. They have to be prepared for some negative feedback as well and should take it in the spirit in which it was intended: to help this sport reach the mainstream.
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