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Gotway MCM2s balancing issues after fall / tilt over


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Hi all,

I've just received my new Gotway MCM2s, and I encounter an issue with getting the unicycle to work after it tilts / falls over.

What happens is that when I fall or tilt it too much, the unicycle beeps, and I turn it off. When I turn it on, i find that the wheel does not turn freely, and it does not balance properly. If I leave it aside for 5 to10 mins, and I try again, it works as per normal.

Is there something that I'm doing wrong or is there another way to reset the unicycle? Please advise.


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Thank you for replying.

I tried it today but it does not self-reset. So I turned it off and on, and the wheel stays "locked" and does not move freely and does not do any self-balancing at all. If I turn it off, the wheel is able to turn freely again .. not too sure what else I can try without having to send it back for repairs :-(

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Try standing it upright and turning it on with the charger connected. There's a slim chance that it may reset it.

Have you tried all the blue tooth settings? Can you get the beep to sound and modes to change etc.

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