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KS18 Inside?


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Hy KS18 Users!

As i want to Know on which Side Are The Motor cables...Can somebody Tell me?

using Left/ Right when we assume that where the power Button/USB Is, There Is The Front Side And where The bluetooth Buttons The Rear Side!

i want to Cut some holes through my Pads....to get directly Access to the screws of The sides...And want to do this at First only on One side....

also i want to create something like a "fast opening" To take a Look at The Board on The Top.....

And at Last perhaps install some Fan....to cool The Board down if needed....

until now...Not more than 45degree C...but i have Not put The Pace on The Wheel until now :-)


thanx for help!


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watch my video it might show you. 


Also, you do not need to open up the sides to view the main board. the top cover under the carry handle just slides out left or right with a little pressure, the top of the leg pads sit in the way so maybe peel one of them back an inch or so

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@Bryan Wells

Thanks a lot.... i know, main board is easy reachable...

Want to take a look ...specially at the soldering of the capacitors....and how they are siliconed to the main board!

lets see....

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎19‎.‎07‎.‎2016 at 10:29 PM, Bryan Wells said:

watch my video it might show you. 


Also, you do not need to open up the sides to view the main board. the top cover under the carry handle just slides out left or right with a little pressure, the top of the leg pads sit in the way so maybe peel one of them back an inch or so

Very nice!

I`m going to add a fan system to the top of my KS-18 and worried to take the whole wheel appart to get to the mainboard.

i`m glad that i don`t have to ;)

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