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Noob Lynx charging question

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Noob question here.
When charging my Lynx with the stock charger, I noticed that after the charging cycle, the charger turns green, indicating the charge is complete, but then cycles between on and off (red/green), and this process seems to repeat indefinitely.
I heard that when charging EUCs, it is advised to allow an extra 30m for the cells to balance. However, I watched this process for 45 minutes, and it seemed never to conclude.
I imagine I need to update the firmware as this is a new EUC (less than 100 miles), but since I enabled the balancing, I can no longer get it to lean back while powered on. This is because I don't know how to. Doh!
I attempted to update the EUC while on the stand but noticed that the app says to lean back to 30 or 40 degrees.

Is this charging behavior normal?
How do I lean it back while powered on to update the firmware?


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Turn it off, put it on its stand and then turn it on. Voila, its now in the proper angle to update the firmware. You can also stop the balancing by tilting the wheel enough sideways, but that makes it also beep loudly which is annoying as shit, so better to just power it off and then on.

Also regarding the charging, it's normal that the charger starts flashing between red and green in the final stage. It is as you thought balancing the cells, but the Lynx has a smart BMS which is capable of balancing at around 80% as far as I know. But it does it no harm to charge it to full either way, especially if you are planning on taking it pretty soon after it finishes charging. The process takes sometimes pretty long, 45mins is pretty normal for my Sherman S at least, it does the same thing.

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3 minutes ago, Anthraksi said:

Turn it off, put it on its stand and then turn it on. Voila, its now in the proper angle to update the firmware. You can also stop the balancing by tilting the wheel enough sideways, but that makes it also beep loudly which is annoying as shit, so better to just power it off and then on.

Also regarding the charging, it's normal that the charger starts flashing between red and green in the final stage. It is as you thought balancing the cells, but the Lynx has a smart BMS which is capable of balancing at around 80% as far as I know. But it does it no harm to charge it to full either way, especially if you are planning on taking it pretty soon after it finishes charging. The process takes sometimes pretty long, 45mins is pretty normal for my Sherman S at least, it does the same thing.

Thank you.
Do you know if it would beep the whole time if I were to lean it and then put it on the stand?
The stand is one of those metal ones with the wheel guide.


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4 minutes ago, Jayzao said:

Thank you.
Do you know if it would beep the whole time if I were to lean it and then put it on the stand?
The stand is one of those metal ones with the wheel guide.


No as far as I remember it makes one long beep and then shuts up. Wheel stays powered on and starts rebalancing when you lift it up again.

I meant that you have to make the wheel lean on the kickstand that it has built in. That stand you got has a too small of a lean angle for the firmware update I think.

But I see no reason why you would want to complicate this. Just take the wheel, power it off, make it lean on the built in kickstand, power it on, update it through the app. Simple as that.

Edited by Anthraksi
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49 minutes ago, Anthraksi said:

Also regarding the charging, it's normal that the charger starts flashing between red and green in the final stage. It is as you thought balancing the cells, but the Lynx has a smart BMS which is capable of balancing at around 80% as far as I know.


do you know this for fact ? im asking cause im using the CE200 from PidZoom (charge controller).  it would be perfect to set the CE200 to 82% end charge and still have the charger perform the balancing as it hits 80% and beyond...

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3 minutes ago, bpong said:


do you know this for fact ? im asking cause im using the CE200 from PidZoom (charge controller).  it would be perfect to set the CE200 to 82% end charge and still have the charger perform the balancing as it hits 80% and beyond...

I unfortunately do not, and I cannot verify it myself since I do not own a Lynx. But since it has a Smart BMS, you can check the individual cell voltages. If you want to, you can test it out yourself. Charge the wheel to 82% and then check the cell voltages, leave it be for a couple of hours or even better, overnight and then check them again and see if anything happened. Of course if your voltage difference between cells is minimal to begin with it should make no difference. But you can easily verify this, or wait until a Lynx owner chimes in. There are differing opinions about this matter out there.

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Our friends at eWheels said this.

"For the charging question: yes, that's normal, the cycling on/off until the packs balance out. Since the amount of power being bumped into the packs is pretty mimiscule, this part of the cycle can take quite a bit of time, if you leave it, eventually the charger will remain quiescent.

As for update process, you can leave it powered off, but plugged into the charger, this will place the board in 'standby' mode, where you can then run the firmware update."
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4 hours ago, Anthraksi said:

...But you can easily verify this, or wait until a Lynx owner chimes in. There are differing opinions about this matter out there...

i will test this out and let y'all kno....seems pretty straight forward...

and btw, the fw from 9 onwards for the lynx does allow the user to set the charge end voltage i believe.  with that being said, what i question is whether or not the fw will control the charger and have it balance the cells to the voltage that the user sets in the fw or will the fw only allow cell balancing at the predetermined voltage of 151.2V

Edited by bpong
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9 minutes ago, bpong said:

i will test this out and let y'all kno....seems pretty straight forward...

I feel like there is some bug in the FW where the charging either does not sense the cell balancing or does not conclude.
I waited about an hour after it reached FULL where it popped on (the charger fan) and shutoff repeatedly.
The on cycle would last 30 seconds and then red for 30 seconds and then repeating indefinitely. 

I am going to charge it with my Roger Charger this evening and then run the firmware update and see how that works out.

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As long as the BMS doesn't think the balance is in-between whatever parameters they configured it to it will keep doing it, it's normal but also understandably annoying since the stock charger fan is quite loud and seems unnecessary for it to come on and off in this phase.

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