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Flashlight vs dogs

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Thailand has a huge stray dog problem and this YouTuber has way more "flashlight vs dogs" videos on his channel.
Looks like a decent idea? Especially one with a strobing functionality.

Bicycle doesn't really show the effectiveness of it, so here is a video on foot. At the peak there are like 5 dogs surrounding him at the same time.

Edited by atdlzpae
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  • atdlzpae changed the title to Flashlight vs dogs
  • 2 weeks later...

Dear god, if I had to ride in a place with so many and such aggressive dogs I sure as hell wouldnt be riding with just a flashlight, I'd be carrying this:


Edited by mhpr262
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Dogs usually hate the euc, strobing a light might work at night… during the day no it’s far too bright. 

Here’s a fun encounter… I recently was chased by a rotty and dober off leash, the owner was clueless and had them sitting on his small patch of a lawn. I was about to pass and saw the dogs just before and decided to take it slow and easy to not trigger them. Both bolted, owner frantically called out to them and the older rotty halted slowly, whew. The younger untrained dober chased me down the road, I sped off and it slipped and then got frantic and charged at me— nipping at me and barking at the wheel. A car was cruising parallel literally at that moment just I started to enter into the intersection so I braked hard as I safely could and turned in and just screamed at it with the deepest metal voice I could find in me. It immediately stopped and was scared, I zoomed after the car had passed. I need that ghost buster whistle 🤣 

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I don't have a problem with dogs at all anymore, I just talk to them with a nice town of voice and respect their perceived territory, and they warning/mood signs like tail wagging and neck hair status. If puppy's neck hair is standing strait up then puppy is in an aggressive mood so that means to leave him alone and go the other way.

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Also, smiling at doggies helps because K-9 species is used to humans and watch for our signals too, like smiling, means we are at least trying to be friendly.

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If you are getting attacked by K-9's in the dark then that means that you are violating puppies perceived territory, I don't recommend fighting the doggies over their territory, so best to stay off, or stay away.

Try to look at it from the dogs point of view, all the dog knows is that the human near the dog's perceived boundary. As a human we are usually smart enough to respect our boundaries and the perceived boundaries of others, including K-9. Don't ride down that path if you know their are dogs guarding their territory unless protected by an automobile, like the puppies expect you to do.

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12 hours ago, zaft said:

Both bolted, owner frantically called out to them and the older rotty halted slowly, whew. The younger untrained dober chased me down the road, I sped off and it slipped and then got frantic and charged at me— nipping at me and barking at the wheel.

You were the one responsible for this encounter @zaft. You saw them first and didn't stay away. The whole negative encounter could have been eliminated if you had turned around and selected an alternate route, which is what a dober would expect.

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25 minutes ago, on one said:

You were the one responsible for this encounter @zaft. You saw them first and didn't stay away. The whole negative encounter could have been eliminated if you had turned around and selected an alternate route, which is what a dober would expect.

It’s illegal in this area to have dogs off leash. I noticed the dogs at the last moment before they noticed me but not enough to turn around, which would have also triggered them because that’s how close we were. 99% of dog owners are clueless. So just assuming you can avoid a situation is a bit ridiculous, most encounters can’t be avoided, like a dog walker on a nature path— should I turn around and give up my ride, no way… I’ll just try to slowly and calmly ride by and hope the owner isn’t an idiot barely able to work the leash. 

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Dog owners need to let puppy run around and get his groove on. Leash laws remain relatively non-enforced because of the aforementioned. K-9 is aware that being off leash in park doesn't make the park his territory, so would likely be playful.

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Here, in my community, Casper Wyoming, dog owners take their K9's behavior quite seriously, I observe dog owners making their dog sit and stay before being let of leash. In the words of Harriet Hageman, you are in Wyoming, behave accordingly.

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12 hours ago, on one said:

Here, in my community, Casper Wyoming, dog owners take their K9's behavior quite seriously, I observe dog owners making their dog sit and stay before being let of leash. In the words of Harriet Hageman, you are in Wyoming, behave accordingly.

In other words, shoot them.



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Pit Bulls can be quite dangerous if they are raised to be that way. Especially powerful animal that requires much responsibility, Pit bull is one of those exceptions that I would never turn my back on, consider this story:


Merced County Boy has died After Pit Bull Attack

Monday, October 26, 2009
Delhi, Calif. Merced County Sheriff Mark Pazin described what happened, "The dog attacks the toddler and unfortunately starts dragging the toddler around the backyard. The babysitter sees this, tries to call 911 grabs a barbecue fork, a two prong barbecue fork tries to fend off the pit bull."

The babysitter got the child away from the dog, called 911 and jumped in her car to drive the bleeding child to the hospital.

"And this is when a deputy sees her, pulls her over and is literally handed this blood soaked 17 month old toddler," said Pazin.

The child was airlifted to a Turlock Hospital, then to Children's Hospital in Madera County. It's the second pit bull attack in the town of Delhi this month. Three weeks ago a woman was mauled by a pit bull while walking her dog.

In 2005 Pit bulls were responsible for the death of a five year old Fresno boy, Tyler Babcock. His death sparked calls for a ban on pit bulls ... that didn't happen because of political pressure by groups representing pit bull owners.

Supporters of the breed like animal trainer Tricia Smith of Sanger, maintain despite these tragic attacks, the dogs aren't the problem.

"We cannot just blame it on the breed. I don't want to take away from the horrible thing that has happened to the family, to the community, as a whole. I am devastated, I know our organization is, but we cannot blame it on these dogs." Smith said.

But Sherriff Pazin has a different view, "These are rugged, vicious animals that just that quickly can snap."

The dog is being held at the Merced County Animal Shelter, and could be destroyed. The District Attorney's office will evaluate the evidence to decide if charges should be filed in connection with the child's death.

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