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18xl vs V11 torque and stopping power

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 I couldn´t find any binary / .nm reference numbers.
Different engine tech, but then tyre as well and the suspension effect (subtracts some power in most scenarios I guess).

Which of these two would you consider to have a (even if slightly) higher torque while climbing ?

And what about stopping power ?

thks for some input

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Thks guys.

Forgot to say I live in a 2nd floor no elevator and marble stairs (not wood with better wheel grab) let´s see if 28kg or something (incl pads etc) isn´t much harder compared to 24kg.
I´m hopeful 28kg can be carted up, but not really sure.

Also I was in fact looking at the renewed pads and pedals 18XL / 16X for comparisons 

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9 hours ago, ninogui said:

Thks guys.

Forgot to say I live in a 2nd floor no elevator and marble stairs (not wood with better wheel grab) let´s see if 28kg or something (incl pads etc) isn´t much harder compared to 24kg.
I´m hopeful 28kg can be carted up, but not really sure.

Also I was in fact looking at the renewed pads and pedals 18XL / 16X for comparisons 

Trying to roll a wheel up marble steps is a recipe for disaster. I would recommend carrying it up, sorry! 🤷

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