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Wheel always leans against one leg?


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Hi everyone, like many others I took the plunge, bought a wheel, nearly quit out of frustration...and then I somehow managed to ride the length of my yard, and a couple of days later, I am managing quite sharp turns at fairly low speeds. I feel more and more in control, I can actually choose where I'm going instead of following the wheel...

Anyway, my question: when I'm turning, the wheel is always leaned against one of my legs. This feels normal to me and makes sense. However, I have found that this also happens when going straight. I am trying to do the 'bent knees, no death grip with both legs' thing, but I find that the wheel seems to tip towards one of my legs (mostly my right, which is the dominant one). Is this normal, will it go away with practice, should i be trying to correct it somehow...?

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The KS18XL is a little top heavy and relative narrow between the legs. Adding some pads might help you grip better with both legs, but it takes a little bit of effort to apply pressure, so it takes some getting used to. (More grip = more control.)

When I'm 'lazy riding' (tired), I allow the wheel to lean on one leg or the other. However, I've learned to switch between them; allowing my legs to rest a bit before going back to a more controlled grip with both legs. (I'm not sure this isn't a similar bad habit on my part.)

Edited by RayRay
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When I started out I noticed a tendency for the wheel to lean more towards one side when riding straight. With time and practice, I now ride without the wheel touching either leg at all. I can just stand on the pedals and keep the wheel centered with little effort. I'm sure the same will happen for you once you get those miles in!

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