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Ninebot One E+ died out of the Box!!!!


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Hello, first of all sorry for my english, i am from germany. So...today i received my Ninebot One E+, brandnew, i took it out of the box, turned it on and everything is fine. I opened the App and the app says Firmware 1.2.5 i powered it off for charging. next when fully charged i wanted to turn it on again.....NOTHING! It wont turn on any longer and the Wheel is stuck.....

I didn´t ride it any meter...!!!!!

AND NOW?!? I could cry the whole world down.....Any suggestions?


greetz Ecko

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Apart from opening it up - and invalidating any warranty? - I don't think there's much you can do.

Could be a loose connection, or more serious.  Did it do anything at all when you powered on after charging?  Did the charging light go from red to green?  Do you have anyone close with a NB1 to visit for help - it's always a lot easier if you can get in front of one of these to see exactly what's happening?

When you say the 'wheel is stuck' will it turn at all?  Is it mechanically jammed or electronically 'braked'?

Pretty bad when it's new - how difficult to return to the shop and get a replacement?

Take a good look through the forum here for help, there's plenty around.  There are a good number of failures, but in the whole picture I think they are pretty reliable?

Cheers, Richard.

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Thanks for your reply. The charging light switched from red to green. Next i disconnected the Bot from the charger and tried to power on. Nothing happend....wheel will turn but with stucks like breaking....ist like "break - free - break - free - break"

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That's what you get when the board is blown - I take it the lights are coming on around the edge?  If necessary, try turning it on while it's laying on its side - you should get the red 'error' lights and a warning beeping.  At least then you know the power is OK from the battery, just the motor drive part of the circuit which is blown.

Definitely sounds like a return to where you purchased it for replacement.

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