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18XL warning settings question


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I have been mostly riding a V10F but I want to get more time on a 18XL. When I ride the XL I get constant beeps because I'm going over 12MPH, I tried several times to adjust the warnings in EUC World app (I'm a donor to that app if it makes any difference for abilities). The settings never stick however. I have about 65 miles on the XL, the wheel firmware is at 2.0, EUC World app tells me that I can install firmware version 2.02.

How many miles are needed on the wheel to be able to adjust the warning settings?

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DId you make sure you were adjusting the tiltback AND beep settings? I turn all mine off but for last alarm at 2mph below max. Tiltbakc on the ks18 series is marvelous and fw 2.0 if great. Double check your eucw settings. Iirc, the speed was limited until around 100km(62miles)? I think they made it even less mileage for later versions such as yours. When you set the speed and go for a ride w/o shutting of the wheel, can you surpass 12mph? My 18L like 22mph for cruise speed. Excellent wheels for sure! Just double check ALL the alarms, as it may not work if you have alarm 2 higher than alarm 3 and tilback lower than the rest. Raise the last alarm highest and turn the others off, just to check. Hopefully theyve changed it recently and you don't need log into that horrid KS app to register location. If you do still have to, i'd suggest being careful and removing that KS app once the deed is done. Seriously tho, try everything else first, before you defile your device with the KSapp. Grats on owning my favorite series of wheel. If you aint got a rollNZ cover for it, you're missing out. My ks18 is my comfort class wheel and i havent sullied it with any aftermarket pads... it simply doesnt need them.  Ks18+mten= perfection!


Edited by ShanesPlanet
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21 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

DId you make sure you were adjusting the tiltback AND beep settings? I turn all mine off but for last alarm at 2mph below max. Tiltbakc on the ks18 series is marvelous and fw 2.0 if great. Double check your eucw settings. Iirc, the speed was limited until around 100km(62miles)? I think they made it even less mileage for later versions such as yours. When you set the speed and go for a ride w/o shutting of the wheel, can you surpass 12mph? My 18L like 22mph for cruise speed. Excellent wheels for sure! Just double check ALL the alarms, as it may not work if you have alarm 2 higher than alarm 3 and tilback lower than the rest. Raise the last alarm highest and turn the others off, just to check. Hopefully theyve changed it recently and you don't need log into that horrid KS app to register location. If you do still have to, i'd suggest being careful and removing that KS app once the deed is done. Seriously tho, try everything else first, before you defile your device with the KSapp. Grats on owning my favorite series of wheel. If you aint got a rollNZ cover for it, you're missing out. My ks18 is my comfort class wheel and i havent sullied it with any aftermarket pads... it simply doesnt need them.  Ks18+mten= perfection!


Thanks for the reply, I'm going to have to get back to you on these questions. I might ride the wheel over to Queens tonight which should give me time to answer these questions and break over the 100KM mark which I might be just short of (if it matters). I'm not speed limited, I just have the warning beeps going all the time (over 12 MPH) which is slightly annoying on one hand but it is also like having a bell on a cat, it allows some people to know something is approaching which isn't all that bad really. Oh and I do have the cover from NZ, it was one of the first things I ordered. :P I also got in the seat a few weeks ago but haven't tried to use it yet. :unsure:

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well if you arent being limited on speed, its GOT to be a setting for the alarm in the app. Double check them in eucw and youll get it figured out. You may not mind the alarms for now, but give it another few hours... :). Let us know how goes.  Fwiw, DO NOT use loctite near the plastic shells, unless SPECIFICALLY designed for plastics. Be gentle on the seat, the 18l/xl design didnt leave a lot of extra support for that kind of riding. At any rate, have fun and enjoy, its really a worry free and ergonomic masterpiece, as far as the grading scale of euc's goes. Dont forget to create some tours if you use the eucw app. Its always fun to review data for your own pleasure too. Don't fear tiltback. FIrst time I hit it on accident, I was a VERY wobbly newbie and pushing max speed in a turn. It was a surprise, but only because I had never felt tiltback before. It worked as intended and I didnt even screw up the turn anymore than my usual. I heed the alarms and dont use tiltback much. Somehow I manage to ride and stay just under my set max alarm. The ks18's just love 20-24mph, i feel its a torque vs wind vs lean sweet spot. Knowing you are on a wheel that errs on the side of caution is a great thing!

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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