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Hi everyone,

I got a speedway mini 4 pro 3 months ago. I have put 300 miles on the odometer.

It is advertised to go for about 28 miles but I can only get ~12 miles, sometimes 15.

The exact model I got is this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2018-48V-13A-SPEEDWAY-MINI-4-PRO-BLDC-HUB-strong-power-electric-scooter-Speedway-mini-IV/32835281573.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.25c04c4dtZm5hS

I am 68kg (150 lbs), I ride on mostly flat surface, there is only 2 highway overpass on my ride.

The terrain is pretty good and there is little wind.

I never really try to see how much milage I could get when it was new.

so 3 main questions:

1) Can it be because it already has 300 miles on the odometer?

2) Can it be because I keep it plugged in to the charger cable for too long?

3) how many miles on the odometer can I expect to get before the battery gets to 80% of it's capacity (100 miles? 500 miles? ...).


Thanks :)


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