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  1. Sorry I think I just realised where I've been going wrong! I should have been in the wheel settings and then alarm mode Oops!
  2. Thanks Marty much appreciated. I followed you instructions in the Gotway app in the end. For some reason I don't see that same option via Wheellog. See pics
  3. We met in McDonald's in Earls Court!? You also had a KS14s which you sold right?
  4. I've just been using the latest wheellog app the whole time. I saw reference to high, medium and low priority alarms. Or should I be using the Gotway app to turn off the 1st and 2nd alarms? The Gotway app I initially downloaded and installed was all in Chinese. Do you have a link to English gotway app? When I reached 30km/h and heard the beep I must have eased off.
  5. Does anyone know if there is an initial speed restriction on the MCM5? Yesterday I was trying to ride a little faster and couldn't get past 30km/h. Also it beeped at that speed. I've set my speed alarms in wheellog to 40km/h
  6. I got my MCM5 the other day and I'm really impressed with it! I'm loving the pedals compared to my ks14s. Feels really comfortable and my feet are not aching at all which would happen with my 14s (maybe I need to buy the XL pedals). Also taking it on the trains during my commute to work is a lot easier now especially with the handle motor cutoff switch. Is there a way to turn off the decorative lights? I actually don't mind them but I don't want to draw too much attention especially the police. I actually got a pair of free grey side pads with mine which I've installed, but must say I did find it more comfortable without! I may take it off I'll see how it goes. I also recently bought a rear wrist mirror from Amazon (Myklops Rear View Mirror) to help make my rides more safer. I think it's really good and very adjustable
  7. I ordered these pads for my MCM5 https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.aliexpress.com/item/32871422699.html Took about 2 weeks to arrive
  8. Sorry I didn't realise the limit is actually less than this! Anyway I'm really looking forward to receiving my mcm5 only problem is I've gotta wait like month to get it😠. I ordered from Ian at speedyfeet in the UK. I did consider ordering from AliExpress which was working out cheaper but then I guess I wouldn't have any warranty. Have you guys put slime in your tyre? If so how much and what is the max tyre pressure the MCM5 can take? I think the max pressure on my 14s is 60psi but I normally put 50psi on mine
  9. Thanks for the feedback guys (@phunny & flying w) . I currently get about 35 miles from my Ks14s but with 10/15% battery left. I don't normally run the battery down as I find it annoying riding with the constant beeps and tilt backs. I guess the one thing I'm looking forward to with the MCM5 is being able to go faster than 19mph which is the limit for me on my ks14s.
  10. @Flying W and Phunny , what kind of range do you get out of your mcm5? Do you guys have side pads installed? I've ordered some just incase
  11. Thanks for that info, that is reassuring to know. I also read on the forums here posted by yourtoys7 that he also got caught by very heavy rain whist riding his MCM5 and he went one step further and actually opened up his wheel to see if any water got in and apparantly everything was dry. Anyways I've gone ahead and ordered now! Can't wait to try it out!
  12. Hi everyone I'm thinking of buying the MCM5 but I'm worried about using it in the rain. I live in the UK and yes sometimes it rains a lot. I have a kingsong 14s which I use daily and been caught by heavy rain several times whilst riding but never had any problems with my wheel. Anyone had any experiences with the MCM5 in the rain ?
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