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    MCM5 V2

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  1. Hi, I finally ordered this double sided extra strong, I'll try with this one! https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07149X8CM?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details I'll keep you posted friends.
  2. Hello, thank you for your feedback. But then, you recommend the one for plastic or the normal one. Would putty like the one I showed you (FT 101 Rubson) work? THANKS
  3. Thank you for your feedback. In fact I've already tried this epoxy glue and with the humidity and the glue not being elastic it broke cleanly.
  4. hello, I'm having trouble sticking this 3D part on my MCm5.. to make it a crutch. I have already tried 3M double-sided, I tried my epoxy glue but nothing held with humidity. Do you have a miracle solution? the problem is humidity and vibrations... Finally, if there is an exceptional glue then I take ;) I was also advised to use rubson ft 101 putty. Do you think that it can stick so sustainable ?
  5. Hello, I'm looking for a kickstand for my Begode MCM5 V2 that could fit on it? I want it to be designed, solid and above all practical so that the wheel can stand on its own. perhaps something that unfolds. Like the pictures for one S2, it will be perfect. I saw some elements on the web but I'm not very convinced Any ideas?
  6. Hello @Namuhan I hope you're okay. I am interested in the ion pact zip, do you think that they are not too big for the practice of the wheel? I had thought of that c- otherwise: https://www.pinkbike.com/news/review-ion-k-traze-amp-zip-knee-pads.html what do you think?
  7. Hello @GPW have you tried Hillbilly half finger ? I search a good gloves with WristGuard thanks a lot
  8. Hey @GPW, when you Say : "But total personal preference. ", what are your arguments ? I research a good solution for Wristguard. Thanks you very much ๐Ÿ˜€
  9. I like your help๐Ÿ˜ thanks
  10. Hello ! I hope you are well. I have a dilemma to choose between these two models of knee protectors: https://personalelectrictransport.co.uk/shop/electric-scooter-accessories/tsg-kneeguards-tahoe-zip-a/ And the https://www.probikeshop.fr/genouillere-ion-k-pact-zip-noir-2-aa8/141379.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw1uiEBhBzEiwAO9B_HcZqYqUKlkEslBTNqowyVK0aVJlNL9Y9vTPB5VJOZbH88-lqSH_eURoCK7YQAvD_BwE&gshop=FR&ef_id=CjwKCAjw1uiEBhBzEiwAO9B_HcZqYqUKlkEslBTNqowyVK0aVJlNL9Y9vTPB5VJOZbH88-lqSH_eURoCK7YQAvD_BwE:G:s who have an Idea about this two ?
  11. Thanks a lot for your help. I'll take a closer look. After that I was wondering if the wrist protection was as good as with conventional wrist guards
  12. Hi everyone, I've been looking for a pair of gloves for a long time (which makes handle protection) but I find it difficult to find an ideal solution .. the 3D flatland pro were great because the fingers were protected but they stopped it. currently I have gloves + wrist protector but I find it long to put on. the flexmeters are the best but do not go under my motorcycle jacket. this subject is discussed frequently but I cannot find a topic in 2021. the hillbys, I had them but really too thick, I didn't even like to put them on. Thank you
  13. Hey ! Do you know a resseleer that sell flatland 3D ? Pro version ?
  14. a lot of people talk about the Ions K pact zip. Has anyone tested them? https://www.alltricks.fr/F-11940-protections-du-cycliste/P-349260-paire_de_genouilleres_ion_k_pact_zip_noir?gclid=CjwKCAjw1uiEBhBzEiwAO9B_HXmUbJVSRC_YZVijexybJVSRC_YZVijexybJVSRC_YZVijexybJVSRC_YZVijexybJVSRC_YZHZExybJVSRC_YZHZExybJVSRC_YZVijexBJVSRC_YZHZExDWaJWoXyZh
  15. hey thanks baskou ! "The above Leatt " which one ? The dual axis ?
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