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  1. E' quello che mi sono sempre chiesto anch'io. Non mi sembra una cosa molto difficile da implementare. Giusto ieri ho perso l'equilibrio superando un gradino salendo su una posta ciclabile. Cadendo ho provato a tirare una manata alla ruota per non farla proseguire. Sta s...za ha curvato ma ha continuato ad andare dritta per qualche metro. Davvero ben equilibrata la bastarda! Ma come fanno a coprirti se legalmente non sono ammessi a circolare su strada? Sei sicuro che non ti stiano rubando dei soldi?
  2. Mi sembra un metodo che può essere stancante per lunghi tragitti
  3. Comunque se introducessero l'assicurazione per il monociclo dovrebbero farlo anche per la bicicletta! i 20 km/h si superano agevolmente pedalando!
  4. I'd like to share some beginner-to-beginner thoughts on what I found useful to take big steps forward in my learning process. Skip indoors as soon as possible: The first night I received the wheel it was raining outside so I moved my first steps inside my living room. I spent 2+ hours just trying to find balance hopping from object to object but falling quite often and getting discouraged. I later found out, comparing indoors with outdoors, that all the objects that you can use to help keep your balance are also obstacles to your trial and error muscle-memory learning. There's no room for uncertainty and you rather often find yourself hitting walls or forniture hence stopping your little rides. Practice on grass: My next session took place in a large grass field behind my house with a pretty beat up mood due to the prior night. But with my huge surprise in just a few hours I got very ahead in my learning. I think that's because on that kind of surface I had zero fear of falling and zero fear of scratching my unit and so my mind was free and only focused on mastering the wheel. Aspects that one may find negative about grass: UC being slower to pick up speed and bumpy surface. Although these made it a bit harder at the beginning I found it useful as I went on because it taught me to master the UC's instability in an harder way than concrete. Get someone to help you: My father was curious about this kind of ride so he stayed with me in my first hour of apprentice. Instead of obstacles to lean against I used his shoulder. This is much better than walls or posts because you can experiment with speed and direction and your sustain will follow you everywhere even if you make mistakes or your going to fall. I progressively let his shoulder and slowly tried to go sustain-less in fair short time. It's also fun if the two of you take turns and learn to ride together helping each other. Looking at other people trial and error is also a good way to learn some things. Mounting using the 'triangle': I have to admit I didn't know about this technique and it took me a huge amount of failures before getting it right. If only I had seen it before!. Essentially do not keep your feet close together or at strange angles between each other. Put one feet well on the pedal and the other on the ground, fairly distant and parallel to the other, so the weight is all on the feet on the ground. Let the wheel lean on one side (the side on where your weight is) and don't force it to be straight up. Now put your lower feet on the other pedal and you're good to go. Don't forget to accelerate, it greatly helps your balance. On a still wheel is impossibile to keep balance. As mentioned before, I find useful to start with my first foot a little bit more forward on the pedal than where I think it should go. In this way when I mount the other feet my weight is already a bit leaned forward and the acceleration comes natural. Now I start with no issues and I don't need a "moving start" (skateboard-style). If you feel like you're falling steer in that direction: This was one of the most useful tips I've found in this thread and allowed me to quickly improve my solo rides (without any help). Usually when we walk if we get unbalanced our instinct is to lean on the other side to restore balance. Doing so on an UC will translate into a fall. That's because our feet are locked in position and when we feel ourselves leaning in one direction, moving our upper body to the other side brings our center of gravity (about at our belly button height) far out the same direction. The trick is counter-intuitive but it works. If you feel an unbalance in one direction rotate your hips (lower body) in that same direction. Doing so will immediately restore your balance and can be used to go even at the smallest speed (the harder to be stable). Learn to brake: Even before learning to avoid real-world dangers with an effective breaking I found it a immediate useful alternative of escaping tricky situations. In the first hours of learning I used the "fuck it" mindset. Whenever there was a problem I would jump off of the wheel with it spinning like crazy or going steady forward without me on top for a couple dozens of meters. This can damage your UC and be tiring for you for all the stopping, re-preparing and restarting. If you learn to brake you can stop at your command if you feel you're losing control too much and using the 'triangle' technique you can dismount cleanly and restart immediately without having to run after your possessed wheel. Don't look down: I've found a couple of similarities in riding an unicycle and skiing and this is one of them. I presume this is a more personal one, but it helps me looking forward and not an inch beyond my feet. In this way it feels like it's the eyes that guide the body on where to go. I hope this will help some fellow learner! This is what helped me improving quite fast. I'm way far from being confident going in traffic but I feel I'm mastering the principles quite well. Of course these are personal tips and may be "wrong" if compared to standard techniques. Feel free to correct me!
  5. I think I've been lucky about the muscles hurting. From day 1 I have never experienced any pain, even after 2 hours of practice. I can assure you instead that my inner legs got quite rash with all the pressing against the shell in my mounting attempts. Like I was saying, if I don't look at where I'm putting my first foot I tend to put it well centered, but this doesn't help me to start. I also have no problems braking with the position I use now.
  6. Hi everyone, I too am a new learner, and would like to start with a question, before adding my point on what helped me. I feel comfortable putting my feet a little bit more in the front of the pedals than where it feels natural to me. In this way my weight is slightly in the front of the wheel and it helps me mounting and starting to ride, as the UC accelerates and allows me to have more balance thanks to the speed. Before finding this out I had a hard time starting because the UC struggled to give power and with low speed I was drifting in every direction instead of going forward or even worse stumbling altogether off the pedals. Is there any downside in riding with the feet a little bit ahead? Because once i mounted and started I'm not able to move them back in the center without wobbling and eventually falling.
  7. Ciao ragazzi grazie! L'ho preso su Amazon, perchè c'era una buona offerta (621 €). Ho provato a cercarlo negli store ma non c'era. Quanto lo avete pagato voi? Io purtroppo non mi sono trovato molto bene con Amazon. E' arrivato col caicabatterie difettoso (saltata la corrente alla prima carica) e non ne hanno altri a magazzino, perchè credo che stia uscendo di produzione. Perciò mi sono dovuto arrangiare a trovarne un carichino sostitutivo che non avesse un prezzo folle e sto ancora aspettando che arrivi! Al momento perciò sono a piedi! Ciao! puoi spiegare meglio? Hanno scritto gli altri in merito a cosa? Esperienze con i vigili ne sono state riportate?
  8. Ciao ragazzi! Nuovo rider di Ninebot One E+ da Bologna! Sto muovendo i primi passi adesso... Ancora non ho il coraggio di andare per strada :-D
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