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  1. At the autumn EUC contest 2017 in Moscow
  2. It's not available yet. They are preparing a video about the whole event, it will be available soon. Until then, they place all the photos and videos here: http://www.mono-drive.ru/arhiv2017
  3. III EUC Contest in Moscow, the track storyboard
  4. You met an interesting vehicle at 18:00
  5. Every day it's going better and better! I suspect your Days 10-12 will be fully dedicated to practice - perfecting and polishing up the new techniques
  6. A few days ago I suggested you to start backwards right away without pushing off your car. But it was too early that time. Now it is just on time
  7. I am just testing some of my findings on you, Marty Reverse start saved me a few times when I needed to back off quickly. Good luck with your Day 9 training
  8. Yeah, pendulum is a lot of fun! But it puts a huge load on MOSFETs. After 5 minutes of doing a short pendulum the temperature jumps up to 67-68°C and my Ninebot goes into the safe mode
  9. Great progress, you've even done full long pendulum a few times! Notes: 1. When riding backwards, adjusting by twisting the low body works better than by leaning the wheel sideways. 2. Elbow protection and a small backpack makes me less nervous when switching directions
  10. Pendulums are simple
  11. I will take it on video tomorrow morning on my way to work and share it here.
  12. Great plan, then on Day 8 you'll link it all into a "long pendulum" - one of my favourite exercises PS: Elbow protection for Day 7 maybe...
  13. Great! Mission accomplished. Next level is to exclude pushing out and start backwards right away, from standing position. (BTW: Looking over your shoulder is obligatory to learn. It gives a lot of confidence. And the mirror looks too far, it won't show you what's right behind your wheel)
  14. I was learning to ride backwards on my Ninebot One which weighs less than 15 kg. I think the big over 20 kg MSuper doesn't let you do those constant low body twisting movements that a backwards riding needs as easy as a lighter wheel. Maybe you'll give your KS 14" a try to be on the side of agility instead of stability here?
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