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  1. I said system x, y, and z existed. But you claimed I want that system to persist. Those are 2 different things. If you can't understand this is 2 different things then you are not qualified to make conversations with people.
  2. By the way, the tech to reduce our waiting time always existed, they are pressure plates under the asphalt. Nobody needed this country wide surveillance system to monitor them to make the green light. It's only gullible people like you who trust in these lies.
  3. 1. This is a lie. Those cameras do in fact surveillance everybody. 2. They will definitely alert the police when you speed faster than the limit. The fact that they do this means they are not just here to improve my life. They are multipurpose. 3. Why the hell are you trusting the words of a zionist government who are still making you occupy Iraq 21 years later? But thanks for admitting they exist everywhere in every big town and small town.
  4. Nope, I have never wanted that. You invented this in your head. Why? Because you want to put words in my mouth and mply I said something I never said.
  5. I would be impressed if you could find even 5 traffic light intersections in Odense without any cameras planted on them. Go ahead and try. E-scooters and unicycles used to be illegal in Denmark until a few years ago. All Unicycles capable of being faster than 20km/h are illegal in Denmark this day today. All E-scooters that exceed 25Kg are illegal in Denmark this day today. That means the Inmotion RS is illegal, isn't that nice? Let's say I wanted to create a company who innovated a new form of EUC, where do you think I would have more freedoms? In Denmark where everything is illegal? Or in China where all EUCs are being designed right now?That's an interesting one to ponder.
  6. Nah, I may be rebellious against the insurance salesmen in this forum, but I'm not silly enough to cross the police Denmark is a big brother society in the era, the police have camera surveillance at every traffic light intersections, in every big towns and small villages.
  7. I'm riding my EUC completely legal, and without insurance completely legally. Why does this upset you so much? Whoops, turns out it might actually be illegal to ride on EUC in Denmark without insurance. I should probably sell this thing and go back to bicycles.
  8. Usually you can declare bankruptcy, and your debt will be handled in some other way rather than prison. At least that's how it works over here for the bankers anyway, but private persons can declare bankruptcy too..
  9. These two sentences are not the same thing. The latter was something you invented in your head. But you should probably take a look at Robse's post. It turns out I might have been wrong about who pays for injuries.
  10. It was you who used the car rear mirror as a fright scenario. According to you: one might have to risk paying for an entire car rear mirror if one didn't have insurrance. Well my point is, if you go bankrupt from the cost of a car mirror, maybe you shouldn't be riding on EUC.
  11. It's not a troll. If a car mirror is too expensive for you, maybe you shouldn't be riding on EUC.
  12. And if you can't afford a little rear mirror, how are you going to afford the insurance?
  13. If you can't afford a rear mirror, then you probably can't afford insurance either.
  14. I guess if you're afraid your EUC is going to kill people or handicap them, feel free to grab an insurrance. Thanks for the info though, I seriously thought the state would cover for the hospital bill through taxation. Maybe that's not the case after all.
  15. Are people in Sweden so poor that they can't afford a bicycle? What is my EUC going to do to the car? Scratch its paint? Chance are I won't crash directly into another person's car, don't you think?
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