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  1. Question to v14 owners (and other wheels)- do you experience self discharging battery when wheel is switched off? about 2-3% per 24h?
  2. It should be checked on dynamometer not like this. To have torque and power curves.
  3. I think big factor here is inmotion marketing. Here (28:30) is side by side v14 torque comparision with patton and extreme and they are more less the same, for sure v14 is not the best https://youtu.be/2rqKH8iR-S8?si=SrdSJAHuEHvkToDv
  4. Hello EUC addicts, I'm about to order V14 50S because got a good price and decent delivery time. But still not sure if it is good idea, could you help me decide? What i understand it has less range and lower vmax than competition (Patton, Begode Extreme), quite crucial things actually. Torque what i've seen on reviews is comparable (some reviewers say v14 is better but some say the opposite). So why to choose V14? For water resistance only? Why you decided to buy this particular wheel?
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