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  1. My understanding is some are better than others. For example, InMotion tends to admit fault and try to make things right historically whereas for example Veteran has historically ignored the community. InMotion also is active in this community https://forum.electricunicycle.org/forum/71-inmotion-official-announcements-and-information/
  2. It's liability not discrimination. Eevee doesn't want to deal with the US court system
  3. That's the old model from a year ago
  4. Oh god I was only kidding. Hopefully it'll be cleared up in the month+ that it'll take to get the EBCP
  5. Fuck it, deposit sent to eWheel. Will report back if my house burns down when it comes.
  6. Yeah I read some of how they've interacted with the community, was a bit sketchy
  7. Literally LOL'd when I read the translation watching the video. I'm still heavily leaning to the EBCP, will probably pull the trigger unless I hear something bad soon
  8. The EBCP uses a different hydraulic suspension setup versus the Sherman S (where the rods handle two different tasks). I'm curious to know how that affects the ride. Reading reviews and teardowns of the Sherman S left a lot to be desired (at least for me) and it seems people are more forgiving of it's shortcomings simply because of the hydraulics
  9. Yeah why I'm really confused. The video of the guy in France made it seem like a decent package but eevee's statement and Begode's history is concerning
  10. Marty's FB post earlier in this thread said he really liked it, and performance-wise it blew the V13 out of the water. I agree though an in-depth walk-around of the unit would be great rather than the random small clips here and there
  11. Check out this, there are some questionable design choices (the pedal mechanism, difficulty in dropping the motor versus the V13 which takes less than five minutes) along with parts of the metal base breaking off (kickstand mounting point cracked off). There was a review too where the owner did a full disassembly too
  12. From what I've seen in terms of quality of a package for recent EUCs the InMotion V13 is the best built, followed by the King Song S22 (with the Pro release soon), and Begode & Veteran having issues with their models as of late (seeing lots of issues with the Sherman S with poor build quality and things breaking that shouldn't). It's a shame the V13 has so many nanny "features" and a poor range compared to competitors or I would spring for it in a heartbeat. I'm hoping the EBCP is a decent alternative to the Sherman S with a better build quality though it seems Begode has a bad reputation.
  13. Looking to buy an EUC and have been looking around, emailed a few resellers about the upcoming Commander Pro and received an interesting response from eevee: Thoughts on possible quality issues with the EBCP? eWheels says they've been working with Begode with feedback on improvements, I really wish there was a more in-depth detailed review more than Marty's brief video of others comparing it to the Sherman S.
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