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    Inmotion V5F

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  1. No not really. Not at all in fact, just a tiny ennoying thing. I am not that an experienced rider (2250 km with a V5F and 170 km with the V12 HT), but still I really enjoy the V12 HT. It is great for almost everything. The tyre is very good, I have experienced tracking just once but on a tiled curb, I shouldn't have been there. I feel the wheel a little bit floating when riding on a thin layer of tiny gravels, and I am not always confident while turning at low speed but overall the tyre saved me more than once absorbing nasty potholes I didn't see fast enough. The wheel is really stable between 15 and 35 km/h and I feel very confident downhill. Above that speed I cannot say, I've been riding it once briefly at 40 km/h and it was still very stable, but I am not confident enough to push it further. No the only issue I have is that my trolley handle cannot remain locked in closed position, something broke in the mechanism, or is damaged, not sure what happened (the wheel rolled over once or twice before that but at low speed). According to me, with my experience, the wheel shines the most on the road, the woods, while off roading on dirt tracks, and is really good to absorb hills with its torque, but is not really comfortable and pleasant offroad when there are a lot of rocks, where it can be trapped sometimes with difficulties to restart because of its weight, even with its torque.
  2. The tyre is really great and for normal roads with small pot holes or small irregularities it absorbs it all. However for some reason sometimes negociating a small hole results in a change of balance and it starts generating wobbles right after it. But this must be a driver issue. No matter the irregularities or road incline orientation the tyre goes when we tell it to go. Overall I love this tyre a lot. I prefer a 2.5 bar pressure over a 2.2 bar pressure because then it starts to be a little less predictable (I weight 78 kg). In off road, I cannot tell much because I tried it just once, I was not yet experienced with the wheel enough and the track was really dry, with a lot of small bumps, and at almost 3 bars my knees didn't like this at all ! I need to test once more now that I have found the proper parameters adjustments. What is really good is the ability of the wheel to absorb any incline and there is almost no difference on a flat road or when passing a small or medium sized hill; the wheel responds and you feel there's always juice enough to put into it.
  3. This was spot on. I tried +1 and this really was the game changer. On the wobbles, but also, and above all, on the ability to accelerate easily. I was frustrated on this side and was about to consider power pads. Balancing a little bit forward completely changed the wheel reactivity on this side and changed frustration into joy. Thanks !
  4. I am not so sure but I think it is more like twisting because I very quickly lose control if I do not break. The tyre pressure I have not measured it yet, I know I should have pump it up to my regular pressure but it is still the one I received out of the box. I only controled it by pinching the tyre and it felt ok enough.
  5. Got my V12 HT friday afternoon. I had not many time to try it but man, it is a blast ! Too bad I am not experienced enough with this kind of wheel to benefit from it more yet. For the time being I am stuck to 30 km/h speed because I need to adapt my technique to clear the wobbles out, but it is very stable, the tyre is great and absorbs everything, stock pedals are comfortable. I ride them in high stock position, this allow the wheel to balance easily to left and right, which could also be a reason for more wobbbles until I have practiced it enough. So far so good, this is a very impressive piece of technology ! Now I need to explore a bit more the controls and tweak them around so that I can understand better what this excellent wheel has to offer. Wobbles appart (which I think is only a matter of riding technique), I am very happy with this purchase so far !
  6. I don't know, the thing is that the V12 with its HT version is currently under the microscope so almost nothing escapes from our knowledge but I wouldn't conclude that this wheel has more issues or is less safe than any other wheel.
  7. This one, as far as I am aware of, happened to WW only. It could be related to a bad unit, or some glitch in the gyroscope signal processing.
  8. You're right. I was indeed thinking of loctite addition to fix the issue but it is true that it would be harder to adjust pedal's hight afterwards. But still, it remains manageable, I am not sure we need to modify the height several times. Once the proper hight is found one can secure the screws, and before that, ensure that it is tight enough on a regular basis. But yes. A first true disappointment for this wheel.
  9. This is weird. Basically the wheel seems really great but this behavior reported under 80% battery is strange and does not make really sense. Chooch did'nt say anything about that though. If it would be software related both would have felt it the same way. I suspect a bad unit, or bad assembly for WW's. Let us wait for more reviews. Pedals screws getting loose is really bad. I remember Chooch had this very same issue at some point. But this is something one can fix easily. I am still hyped by this wheel and eager to receive it !
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