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    MCM5 v2

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  1. @Paul A It's ok man. I don't really use the MCM anymore. Had he not said anything provocative and wrong I wouldn't have even bothered to post. EUC world seems to work fine for other people so maybe it's just specific. It seems to be working on my other wheel, so it's probably just something exclusive to the MCM5.
  2. @Paul A The fact that he made that statement while offering no other comments on my issue implies that I was one of those people. Ignorant and clueless. My MCM had no internal wheel beeps after installing EUC world. The only way I could get alarms/beeps to work is to have the Wheel Log app running. Without Wheel log running and in the foreground no alarms would be triggered. Begode app made no difference and I couldn't reset any alarms. Those are the facts. What else can I assume other than EUC World in some way has stopped my wheel from being able to trigger its alarms on its own? I ran Begode app and Wheel log for months without problems and then I wanted to try EUC world because I thought it looked better. Even after uninstalling EUC world the problem persists. I asked for help here which is the reason I have an account on this forum in the first place. No one could help. No one cared. To say that I am irritated about the issue is an understatement. Especially considering the creator himself lays the blame on my supposed "incompetence" rather than offering help. And to further clarify, I am not an experienced programmer. However, I have experience with assembling, designing, and building several types of EVs including EUCs as well as electric motors. Hardly someone who is lacking in technical expertise I would assume?
  3. @Paul A His app is faulty then resorts to a personal and underhanded statement. I do not apologize for sending his words back to him. "Very highly regarded and respected" mean nothing to me. Wheel log has no such problems and neither does the Begode app. Only EUC world. Confirmed by tests.
  4. @SebaPerhaps you are just ignorant and haven't actually the expertise to have tested it for yourself. Bit embarrassing really.
  5. @ChriullI dunno but after i installed euc world i had no beeps coming from my wheel anymore. Could only get alarms over my phone, which i dont always have out.
  6. It's possible to use a vesc controller although I don't know any rated for 100v. The closest I see is the ubox by spintend which has built in accelerometer. Advantages include ability to program the controller to very specific values. I know I've used some VESC controllers made by flipsky that are rated for 84v and ive pushed them up to 110v during regen. However, I didn't use that in a self balance vehicle so who knows if that's safe lol.
  7. @TawpieOh i see what you mean, the rubber is so soft the centrifugal force is stretching it away from the center.
  8. @TawpieI thought that was mostly for grip right?
  9. Imagine if we could change the wheel diameter on the fly though. Smaller wheel at low speed or when stopped for portability and acceleration/maneuverability. Big wheel when fast for speed and stability. It might be possible with some kind of adjustable spokes and rim that locks together like legos. Tire might need a special kind of rubber.
  10. Guys with bigger wheels have bigger torques. And bigger torques means more girls. it's simple maths
  11. unfortunately you just unknowingly ruined the internal beeper. EUC world breaks the internal beeper, at least on the mcm. i don't trust that app.
  12. @yu_duk have you considered using a VESC like ubox from Spintend instead of premade EUC controllers? VESC is programmable, and I think someone like you would appreciate the versatility. I'd also like some updates on your work if you consider using one!
  13. @VanturionThere's no reason EUCs couldn't use field weakening. Some of the people who built onewheels with vescs have posted videos showing a top speed increase.
  14. I guess it's helpful to just use the number of cells in series, so everyone knows instantly what is meant. But yeah I generally use nominal because the "max" isn't a true set value and depends on where you want to stop charging. I wish manufacturers made it clear when listing their voltage if that's the maximum or not, cause I buy my own chargers.
  15. That's gonna be the amps pushed to the battery after its been through the controller. At 72v x 15 amps that honestly sounds about right for that wheel. You can get more by simply both 1. Going faster 2. Slowing down faster. On a Vesc controller, you can independently change either the amount of regen amps done by the motor, or the regen amps that gets pushed to the battery. It's not a 1:1 correspondence though, as the motor amps are always or almost always much higher and more important than battery amps. A 15 amp setting for motor regen is really really weak braking but 15 amps for battery regen is ok.
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