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    Kingsong 16x

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  1. My oh my! The first guy carried more things than a pickup truck could!
  2. Thank you, @amelanso I have posted my x-ray & operation picture. I have also included picture of me arriving in the hospital. If you noticed my right leg carefully, you'll see that it bent the wrong way. If some people thought that 'no way it could happen', 'your speed must have double what you said' and so on, let them. They won't believe, no matter what we said and it's not our job to make them believe. So, we better stop. You are right, everything we do has consequences. Whether we intended it or not, we must bear the consequence. I could feel and understand how bad you felt @Hal Farrenkopf. You intended to help, you were not aware and suddenly she fell over. It must have left a mental scar. Then we come to realize that some things are within our control and some things aren't. We have to make peace with things that are not within our control. All we can do, like you said, is move on and do better. @Ubute I don't think the relatives of the old lady was any typical Indonesian family. When I was laying in the hospital waiting to be admitted into the operating theater, my gf met the relatives. They asked how it happened and they listened. They didn't display any anger whatsoever. They accepted what happened and even told my gf not to worry about any expense at all. They will cover all of it. My parents flew to Jakarta, met them and apologized, again my parents didn't see any anger nor hatred in their eyes. I myself couldn't move from my bed. I sent my regret, admitted my mistakes and deeply apologize to them via voice messages. They replied very kindly and said that all have been forgiven. How could they lost a relative and yet forgave so sincerely? There was such a huge remorse in me, because I haven't even forgiven myself and they already did. From the burial place, I knew that they came from money and power. If they wanted to sue, they were more than able to do it. Yet they didn't choose to do so. I believe this kind of traits were not easy to find anywhere in the world. So many lessons to be learned about humility, forgiveness and kindness.
  3. What if you put the wheel in its box. Then you put the box upright at your backseat (hopefully it fits). Then you cast a net over the box and tie it up nicely. This way, even if the box fall, you have already minimized the risk by putting enough padding inside the box. Could it work?
  4. This is roughly the location where it happened. Hopefully it could give some sense into what happened that day. This is when I arrived at the hospital. Btw, seems like attachment feature activated when I reached some certain number of posts or reputation.
  5. @amelanso this noon, my gf instructed our driver to go to the supermarket which was right across where the accident happened, I almost puked. I tried contacting the relatives of the old lady, asking if I could come over to their place. I wanted to apologize & clear my conscience. However due to the Covid-19 situation, they wouldn't receive any guests yet. I must find another way to clear my conscience.
  6. Thank you @Ubute. Your perspective really enlightened. Now I could also understand the misunderstandings that happened in this thread. What you described about the road condition in Jakarta is spot on. The road is not a friendly place. Even if you cross the road at the cross road, most drivers would not stop and wait for you to cross the road. Drivers will estimate and keep on driving as long as they don't hit you. That's why cross roads are not popular in Indonesia. Even for young people, crossing the road is scary. Which wass why I was amazed that the old lady was crossing the road on her own. I didn't want to blame her, no! However it's very dangerous for her to cross the road all by herself. To cross the road in Indonesia, we must be extra vigilant. To this day, honestly, I'm still wondering myself why the accident happened when it could have, should have, would have been avoided. I talked over the situation with my girlfriend. We discussed and role played the situation. We finally agreed, that it's a fate that must happen.
  7. @Justin Boivin you were right, I used the wrong word. I should have used the word "spun" instead of "turned". Please pardon me. It seemed that at the moment of impact, my wheel spun / twisted very hard and the sudden rotation broke the femur. @shellac I could only estimate my speed at around 10-15KMH / 6-9MPH because I'm used to calibrating my inner sense of speed with darkness bot. Could I be wrong? I could have.
  8. Just because I didn't mention the worse thing in the title, didn't mean I was misleading. I sincerely hoped that you'll never experience what I did. Because talking about it, or even putting it in headline (title) for someone who's still trying to grip with it, is VERY hard. It's hard enough for me to tell the story. Now you're demanding that people must use your standard and put that horrendous thing on the title, just to please you. Who are you to tell others on how to write? You have absolutely no authority on this! From now on, I will cease discussing this with you.
  9. So, you're here not to look for the clarification, which you asked for. You're simply here to tell me that the title of the thread is not to your liking / up to your standard. Also since my "(very first) post has HEAVY content and stirred some readers."; hence it must be fake. Thank you @Surfling. Have a nice day.
  10. Hi Surfling, I appreciate your post. Yes, I am a 40-year old EUC rider. What data do you need me to provide? Please note that I have nothing to gain at all by posting my experience. If it helps you to understand & gain more wisdom, than I will try to help. FYI, Jakarta was not and is not in lockdown. Thank you, Zen. You're my senior, of course I must listen to your advice. I gave much thought about riding again. One of the thought was, it could happen to me in a car, motorcycle, or even EUC. Will I stop if it happened to me in a car? Why did I ride an EUC in the first place? Is EUC really more dangerous than a car? Does the danger far outweight the benefit? Not only my head need assurance, but my heart needed it much more than my head. I glanced at your YouTube channel and yes I recognized you instantly. The guys at Kaabo Nation & EVCI knew my story, you can confirm it with Joey, Edo, Tyo or any other guys there. They knew me personally, they knew my reputation, and Joey even knew my house. @mrelwood thank you for explaining. Honestly I have nothing to gain by posting this, nothing at all. My only wish is for some people to gain some wisdom from the story. @z3n if you have verified my story from Joey or the other, could you help verify? If some people wanted some data, be spesific on which data do they need. I'll try my best to provide it. If some members went further and forced the mods to delete the thread based on some suspicions that they have, so be it. I've got nothing to lose, nothing at all. Hopefully this post helped clearing some confusion.
  11. Hi @Surfling, It's okay. You don't need to push yourself to believe. Even if I post photos of me being brought to the hospital, lying in hospital bed, and so on, some will still doubt the story. It's perfectly fine. It happened in Jakarta and no, it's not on the news. Because the old lady's relatives didn't want to sue me at all. Which made me feel all the worse... Hi @LanghamP It didn't happen in the crosswalk. She took a shortcut to cross that busy road. It might be her fault but it's so much more mine. This must be a lesson that I need to heed for the rest of my life, no matter what vehicle I'm in.
  12. Thank you for your sympathy and prayers. You were right, the pain was excruciating, especially since the broken bone was sharp, it punctured into the muscles. "There were muscles in the bone marrow, I had to clean it", the surgeon explained. Every movement was very painful when the accident happened. The hardest part was the journey to the hospital when they lifted me up and I have to hold my own leg on the journey. Once I was on the stretcher and drugs were administered, the pain became manageable. Catether was installed at around 7PM (9 hours after the accident), after I asked for it repeatedly. I'm thankful that my insurance covered not only the operation bill, but also the post op visitation and physiotherapy. I agree it's very humbling experience. So many reflections came from the accident. I sincerely pray that no one would have to go through what I experienced.
  13. Some people asked why I posted this without the title explaining about the worse situation. Honestly, it's very difficult for me to write about this and what happened. However I know that some people might benefit from my experience. If only 1 or 2 people would benefit from my story, than it's better than nothing. Why? Because I experience how nerve wrecking this experience is for my life. Especially, when most of what I could do now is sit down. I thought that if my story could potentially save people from injuries or worse, life; then my story has served its purpose. Some people also asked, that I've seen the old lady from afar. Why not swerve from the distance? Because based on the progress of her crossing, I knew that she'd cross the street successfully if she just kept on walking. However she was hesitating at the last few seconds. The road wasn't that big, only 2 lanes. There were cars & motorcycles passing on the right side of the street. The old lady was standing in the middle of the left lane. When I finally swerved to the right at the last second, I was also praying that no car would hit me from the back for suddenly going to the right. Why I didn't swerve to the left, because going to the left (the road side) was her destination. It would have been much easier for her going forward rather than going backward. I humbly admitted that it was a very fatal mistake that I did...
  14. I couldnt find the "Choose Files". There were only, "Insert image from URL". However this is the link to the x-ray scan file, I tested it. You can see the files without needing to login to dropbox. This is the link to the plate & screws, CAUTION it's gory.
  15. @mrelwood that's what my friends have tried to assure me. That's what I have been trying to assure my brain too. However deep down, I couldn't help but feeling the guilt, deep sorrow one. This taught me a lesson that many has suggested. Maybe I should have done what @seage suggested. I should have gone much wider and pointed out the direction in which I would have wanted to go... I should have learned how to able to do power braking @GoGeorgeGo suggested and stop abruptly.
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