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Michael Robert Ryan

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  1. I am relieved to hear that. I have less than half that mileage and rarely encounter debris or water in the road because I live in a desert and never ride off-road. I should be alright until I get service from eWheels. *fingers crossed*
  2. Have anyone heard back from Jason, yet? I heard back from Leaperkim--they said it was eWheels' responsibility to fix it--but haven't heard back from eWheels even though I emailed him three days ago Sunday (LK got back to me on the same day.)
  3. Unfortunately, I have an earlier model where this will probably have to be fixed (050XX). Not so unfortunately, I live in a desert climate where it practically never rains and I only do pavement riding. Though I have about a thousand miles on mine, I think there's little chance that any appreciable water or debris has gotten in it (or will get in it) while I wait for ewheels to respond to my email about how I should proceed, so it should be safe for me to continue to ride in the meantime.
  4. Is there any way to have black lights on the side of the uni? That would be awesome.
  5. What's carving? Also, how do I free spin?
  6. New rider here. Bad wobble starts at about 20 MPH and I nearly wiped out and bit it. Is it me or the EUC? Wheel seems a bit out of true, tire a bit eccentric, but it's no worse than on bicycles I've owned that never gave me any trouble.
  7. Just happened again and it's unplugged and was turned off after the last charge (which was probably no more than an hour previously). Any ideas?
  8. My 18XL is beeping seemingly at random (five beeps) when I haven't had it on in days. It happens maybe once a day. Its been plugged into the charger this whole time. Is it trying to tell me to unplug it or what?
  9. As if riding an riding an euc, in and of itself, isn't cool enough. Fucking idiots.
  10. I downloaded EUCW, but how do I connect it?
  11. How long before the government, especially here in the US, decides we are having way too much fun and decides to ban our wheels, or at least tax and regulate them so onerously that many of us give up?
  12. OK, whenever I turn it on, it starts beeping and won't shut up. How do I do that?
  13. Already installed it. Is there some way I can uninstall?
  14. Looks like I'm gtg right out of the box. It looks like the tire is even inflated. Do I need to do anything but just charge it and download the app?
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