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  1. Hello, what wheel will be better (I prefer stable ride). Will testa v2 be at least as stable at 20mph as Inmotion v10f?
  2. I'm almost 40 Years old and being excited like a child From small wheels Im thinking od mten3 - just for fun.
  3. Little update: The more I ride the more I love it! I can honestly say that EUC is my first gadget ever which I just absolutely adore. Yesterday before falling a sleep I was thinking where I will ride tomorrow! Thats insane! Please make a lilt ranking here of 3 best EUC to buy right now and give me in few worlds reason? (im preparing my self to buy second one, but I don't kn ow whitish one)
  4. Ladies and Gentleman half of a "click" has just happened After 25km of riding at closed parking I can almost with no problems ride on EUC! I can say that this machine is incredible! 2 years ago I was riding (for 1 season) on electric skateboard (evolve bamboo gt) but even now I can say that EUC is far more better! I decided that I will leave parking for other places after riding 100km. This thing is just insane.
  5. Thanks for this tip. Starting from today I will ride few times a day for at least 20 minutes. Im glad that im not the only one who have problems with fluid ride at beginning
  6. I don't really care about crashing my v10f, I just want to learn how to drive it. After that I will consider buying Z10, KS18XL or new KS16X. As for now my favorit is Z10 (it just looks amazing!)
  7. I wii ride daily for at least one hour. I hope it will "click" and I will be rady to ride like Kuji :
  8. Seba maybe You know someone from Wrocław who's riding on EUC? I have just started learning riding on my V10F and I think it would be much easier if someone would take a look what im doing bad:/ And please tell me how long did it take you to ride comfortable on EUC?
  9. Thanks everyone for Your support! Thanks to You I know that i'm not the only one who have problem to ride comfortable at beginning. I did watch all tutorials one YouTube but still it's not as easy as it' been shown. I am going to ride everyday for at least one hour. Hope it will "click" fast
  10. I did not listen to music as for now. Tomorrow I will try that.
  11. Unfortunately it is really hard to ride. When I think I know how then me legs don’t hear me:( i ride ok for a while when suddenly I panic and stop or crash. I thought it would be much easier😩
  12. 4 months and still not confident 😔. I fell I will also not learn How to ride it fast. My legs just don’t learn 😫
  13. Hello to all of You! I did bought an Inmotion V10f on Friday (28.06.2019). For past 3 days I did try to learn how to ride. The first day was a complete disaster. I could only barely stay on it. The next day was not much better. Yesterday and today I was trying it for an hour (each day). I did manage to ride it for few rounds across small parking but still I don't feel it. My legs are shacking quiet often. Im stress while riding. Do You think it will pass away and I ill be able to ride it like most of You? Should't i ride it quiet good after 4 hours of training???
  14. Very nice. Is it hard to drive on euc such a log distance Avery day?
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