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Tesla v2 blinking led strip


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During today's ride, I noticed one of the LED strips going haywire; it already happened once before, like a week ago, but turning the EUC on and off solved it, so I didn't really think much of it and forgot about it. But this time, power cycling didn't do the trick, and it doesn't go away at all. Before I open up and try to extract the boards and cable mess that's inside, has anyone ever encountered this issue and knows what might have happened?

The Leds themselves don't bother me as much (although they're nice), but I'm worried about the possibility of a more severe electrical failure incoming. I don't want it to happen while riding, obviously.

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You can always just try prying off the plastic ring that covers the led strip and fish out the connection wires to see if they’re seated securely. Just go slowly starting from below the pedals and releasing each tab as they break extremely easily 

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I'm guessing it's corrosion of the connectors. 

The inner shell splits along the middle and some moisure can get through the gap. Under the control board there's tape but not elsewhere. 

The led strip cables are tiny. If I were you I'd only fix it if both sides have gone out so I could read the battery level again.

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Sometimes the moisture can enter after a few tumbles. What happens is the plastic cracks arond the wood screws that hold the shell together, widening the shell gap in the wheel well.  

If you repair the shell so that the halves screw together tightly it can help against contamination.

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