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Does your riding an EUC make you a better driver and your community safer?

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Have you improved your driving habits since you learned to ride an EUC amongst other drivers? Do you find yourself to be more cautious and stopping completely at red lights and stop signs?

Do you think that drivers are more cautious in their driving habits when they encounter you while riding your electric unicycle?

One time I got hit by a car who didn't stop completely at his red light. I had the right of way in a "WALK" sign crosswalk. Thankfully I wasn't injured, but I suspect that he is much more cautious about coasting through red lights at a crosswalk now.

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Ever since I've been riding for more than 6 years, EUC riding has made me a better walker because I've become very balanced and self-centered. Unlike normal walking, your body has to lean forward to start walking. Now I tend to be centered and put my leg forward before leaning. Thus, I'm less likely to bump into people though I may be walking fast. My wife thinks when driving, I have become less likely to stop at stop signs since I am used to not stop at stop signs while riding an EUC. Some in my local community seems to be annoyed by alien devices because they are not sure how to respond to it. People in general is slowly adapting to all these new PEVs whether it is traffic or pedestrians. Some drivers are more cautious at stopping at stop signs, others are still speeding across stop signs and red lights. Hate to say it, but it does take police to enforce and change people's driving behaviors. Some bad apples are just going to speed and kill someone no matter what. So ride defensively and don't be that guinea pig!

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