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King Song S22 tilt a bit over to one side?

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Some of the EUC's I'm riding have a tilt to one side. I get the v11 because of the suspension is a little off but the s22 doesn't seem to show any issues. The only idea I have right now is to try and swap out the tire but this seems more like a design flaw in the body it self that causes it to tilt or maybe it's a software issue? 

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Usually it's the rider and their ergonomics. 

Mechanical alignment has almost no effect on the position of the EUC chassis while riding in a straight line. It's your body position and CG location that defines it. 

Look down at your feet- are they positioned symmetrically on the pedals?  
Is one pedal adjusted "higher" than the other? 

(An asymmetrically-worn tire could also affect it, but that's rare. Flip the tire on the rim, if you feel the need to rule it out.)

Edited by RagingGrandpa
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