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InMotion DIY lighting not accurate iOS


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I noticed an inconsistency in the iOS app and wondering if anyone else has encountered this or found a workaround/fix.

If you go to the store and apply a lighting setting from there, or apply a default setting, there are no issues with the lighting patterns. But if you create your own pattern, the pattern will glitch out and not play the entire pattern in order if there are about 10+ frames. 

I have captured this on video, and verified with another new owner of a v10f.

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bXZeSoKniQ6yDZjgzUR1NR-ztySvZIvG/view

You can see the pattern I made is a simple red dot going through each LED separately. However, it messes up and only does a couple of the frames over and over.

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