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MSX bad repair


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Kind of a long story on this one... Previously, I sent my MSX100v to Ewheels for motor alignment work. They sent it back and it wasn't much better. Rideable, but obviously not straight. Any amount of testing would've made this obvious to them. When i free spun the wheel, it shook. I even sent them a video. I noted that it might not be motor misalignment, and possibly a bent rim.

So, this time, I took the motor out of my MSX and shipped it to Ewheels. I specifically asked them to put the motor on an MSX and test the wobble themselves, which they said they would.

When it gets to them, they tell me they don't have any MSX's available to test with, and that they just hammered the possibly bent rim back in place and it looked good. I didn't ask them to try bending the rim back, especially without testing it first.

When it got back, I reinstalled the motor and... The rim is now so bent that it is oblong. It bounces up and down as i ride and is completely unrideable above 10mph or so.

I've bought this MSX and an S18 from Ewheels and i like their company. I know they had good intentions, but ultimately they promised testing and repair, and delivered damage.

What should be done about this? I'm hoping for a refund of the latest repair (and maybe the previous one) and to just buy a new motor.

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