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Brand Standards - Segway Heaven ☝🏽


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No matter what anybody says about a particular brand it’s all open to personal perception...After all, perception is one’s own mental reality 🤷🏽‍♂️

I trust Segway with my life as having an EUC has its learning curves and thankfully I’ve made it through the rough patches and I have full confidence with the Ninebot One S2 that I have nearly done 3000Km with and I got that in June.  I got the Z10 on Sunday and I travelled 33 miles a couple of days ago and it’s heaven.  

Obviously it’s an extra 10Kg to manoeuvre but it’s a beast and I have it on 30 Psi and I just want to travel far and wide and just to feel like I’m flying which it gives me.  I can’t recommend it enough and the aesthetics are amazing.

I added a bit extra grip tape but I did that on the S2 too I would do it on anything really as safety is life saving.

I would recommend strength and conditioning to all EUC riders because we get imbalances during life but I’m  lucky to have conditioned myself for a good majority of my life and I believe this helps me to control the wheel better.  I will carry on doing strength training as long as my life allows me to.

I thought getting the Z10 would leave me neglecting the S2 but I was wrong...In just a few days my work on the Z10 has improved my performance on the S2 so nipping to the local shops etc feels like I’m teleporting there so they go hand in hand and the S2 is a great park and ride wheel.

I mainly got the Z10 for the range it gives me as I don’t have to worry about finding a charge point...especially gone are the days of sitting in a cafe for 3 hours.  On receiving it and using it I’m astonished to the lighting and the quality of engineering.

I bought both products direct from Segway because I feel it’s not worth the risk buying second hand as an EUC can be a matter of life or death like any vehicle...I will take my chances with a long solid standing brand and it’s smart assembly of the products.

I know this post is long but it’s from the heart so I have to share 🤷🏽‍♂️

Thanks for reading 🙏🏽

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