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Ninebot App not Displaying Info from my Bot


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Hi Guys,

So I was out for a ride this afternoon, and stopped midway to check my battery in the app, and the ninedroid app seems to have stopped working properly at some point.  When I push the bluetooth button, my bot shows up, and when I push on the little bullseye for my bot, it seems to connect - the serial number shows up at the top of the main app screen, and if I turn the bot off, the usual "connection lost" message displays in the app.  HOWEVER, despite being apparently connected, the app doesn't display and information.  No speed, battery level, miles driven, etc.  I also can't change the riding mode or any other settings.  I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the app, but that didn't help.  Has anyone else had this problem, and if so how did you solve it?  I'm not a heavy app user, but it's nice to see how far I've gone, and especially how much battery I have left!

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