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  1. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has a list of what all the Ninebot PTR Elite+ error codes mean. i.e. The numbers that show up on the handlebar display when something goes wrong with your Elite+. Thanks for any help.
  2. Well historically, yes, in that context it's a bargain. Then again, you'd probably pay £1,000 for a 33Mhz PC in 2002. And to be honest, I have to say the original/classic Segways seem to be made to a higher standard. e.g. I don't think there's the same level of redundancy protection on the Ninebots. There was pretty much two of everything in a Segway, in case anything failed. It's great that prices have become more affordable, but I think there is a trade-off. I really can't work out how much of a bargain I've got, to be honest. Mainly because I don't know recent price histories. It's looks cheap, but then I also saw a post on here from a guy saying he'd picked up a returned Elite+ on ebay for $400...after reading that, I wasn't so convinced. There's also potentially the issue of parts. If even a small thing breaks just out of warranty in a year's time. If it's the case that the Elite+, as I suspect so, is no longer being made, and parts are hard to come by, I might be sitting on (standing on?) £995 of scrap metal and plastic, which is another thing that's got me thinking. Thanks.
  3. Looks a great little device. I think I could be out of luck with connector compatibility though. The connector on the Elite+ is actually oblong shaped, and is genuinely the weirdest and non-standard looking connector I've ever seen. It looks like Ninebot might have switched connector styles for their one wheel devices. I might email them to see if there's any chance they do an Elite+ connector though. But looking through the site I can't see one. Thanks.
  4. Ok, I get how the quote feature works, now. Bit too late for my post above though. Yes, that's the right model. Thanks esaj.
  5. Sorry, still getting the hang of the forum, and still haven't quite worked out how the quotes system works, but I'll try my best. @esaj Yeah, re the picture. that's the one. Sorry for the confusion with the name. It is an Elite+, but also has E+ on side of the box in one place, so I was copying Ninebot's shorthand. Ninebot seem to have a habit of giving their products multiple names, which doesn't really help. Apparently it's ALSO know as a Ninebot Mini Flight, just to add to the confusion. Also, regarding Charge Doctor. I'm not sure exactly what that is or where to buy one, but it sounds like what I need. I really need to find out what the capacity of the battery is when fully charged. I haven't managed to get the Ninebot app working, but I suspect even if I did, it wouldn't give me the raw details of the capacity of the battery, as it could well lead to too many returns with some batteries not being up to stated specification. So I suspect I need some additional hardware, like a more sophisticated charger, if I decide to down the path of investigating further. Thanks for the replies. Replying to a few questions: I paid £995 for it, direct from Segway/Ninebot's website, which I think is about $1,200-$1,300 USD. The regular price on their website is £2,695. It looks like a great bargain in comparison, but why's the price normally so high compared to say, the MiniPro (£699)? - obviously it's quite a bit bigger, physically, but most of the technology in the Elite+ is in the MiniPro for much less money, at least normally. So I'm wondering if it's possible that they regularly discount the Elite+, and don't shift many at the full price. I also spotted a UK reseller selling them new for quite a bit less than the full price, at £1,400 (out of stock). Also, I was wondering if they were possibly selling off the last stock because it's no longer being made? Hence why I was asking about that. Or maybe they found some old stock that had been sitting in some warehouse, forgotten about since 2016, and decided to only sell that stock off relatively cheap when they saw it was pretty old and were worried about the batteries. I don't know, I've pondered a few things. But hopefully I haven't been too suckered into thinking I was getting a great bargain when maybe it was not so great...Thoughts? Be honest. As it's straight from Segway/Ninebot, hopefully it's been stored at sensible temperatures though. With regards to the hill. It's a bit tricky avoiding it, as it's the way out of my property, so if I don't go up with the E+, I'd have to take the E+ out via car, which kills a lot of the purpose. Yes, it is a bit steep at about 20% and it's about 50 metres long. But the E+ apparently does have 2700w of power and it seems to cope ok with it. But I'm a bit worried now that I'm eventually going to burn the E+ out (it was the main reason I went for the E+ over the MiniPro, as I figured the MiniPro definitely wouldn't be able to cope with it). Thanks.
  6. Mind if I ask what the NINEBattery app is? I googled but drew a blank. I'm actually after something to check out the status of my E+ battery, which I'm slightly concerned about. Thanks.
  7. Hi, First post. After a bit of advice, thanks. I'm not sure if there was a sale in every country, but I recently bought a new Ninebot Elite+ relatively cheap in Ninebot/Segway's recent pre-Christmas sale, direct from their site. But I have some concerns, mainly about the battery, how long it's been in storage, and it's current state because of this. So my concern started when I first got the box delivered. On the side there was a date hand-written with permanent marker, in Asian format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD..The date written is...June 2016. There's printed writing next to date in Chinese, and as my Chinese isn't so hot (i.e. non-existent), I don't know what it says, but I can't believe this date can be anything other than the manufacturing date – there were white boxes provided for the YYYY/MM/DD fields, so it wasn’t just graffiti'ed on. I can only assume Ninebot can't have sold as many Elite+'s as they were expecting to? Anyway, this naturally worried me, as although opinions seem to vary on this, I've googled and some websites say the shelf life of lithium-ion batteries is only 2-3 years. And as I'm sure anyone knows, and I know from personal experience, devices powered by lithium-ion batteries tend do reduce in battery life as you use them. Personally, if I'm buying a product that's new, I'm really expecting it to be somewhere around 6 to to 9 months after manufacture at most, maybe a little over 12 months if it's on sale, but assuming this date is correct, June 2016 is a whopping 30 months / two and half years ago. Is this acceptable for a product with a lithium-ion battery? In the hope this date was wrong, I've tried to verify it by checking elsewhere on the product. I checked the silver label on the E+, but strangely there's no date – at least in a standard numerical format I can recognise. I think there was also a similar silver label on the battery, but I carelessly failed to take note before unwrapping and installing it – although if there'd been a date printed, I suspect I would have spotted it when installing it. So, anyway, after some misgivings, I decided to take the plunge and assemble it and charge it. I obeyed the instructions to the letter and fully charged the E+ and waited for the charging light to turn green before even turning the E+ on. Took around 5 hours, as expected. And everything went well, it's worked reliably and was good fun...except how long the E+ actually ran for. Because I had concerns about the battery age, I decided to test what distance I could get before 10 bars went to zero. It came in at just under 11 kilometres to the last bar ran out and alarm sounded, which is obviously a lot less than I was expecting. Ninebot’s website states up to 30km - although I’ve heard a YouTube reviewer specify it’s more like 12 miles/20km. For this test, for most part I’d decided to test the E+ on grass with some occasional slight mud (no puddles or water), because I was worried about trying the E+ on hard surfaces, for falling off until I got used to it. I also decided to test it going up and down a fairly steep, grassy road where I live, which is close to the 20% gradient limit specified for the E+. I figured maybe these two factors might be a plausible the reason for the poor distance performance (although obviously I was also suspecting the aged battery). So I decided to recharge fully and go again. This time, I decided to avoid hills and just try and stay on the level – still on the grass, so I was hoping for better results, as although I know the E+ recharges when going downhill, I very much doubt it’s less taxing on the battery overall than staying on the level. This time, though, as I was a more confident rider, I’d taken off the speed limiter, occasionally getting up to about 15km/h. The result? Instead of more distance, I got even worse again, less than 10km! So unless going faster on the E+ causes a significantly greater inefficiency/battery drain, I’m now worried that not only is the battery reduced in capacity, but also potentially rapidly degrading each charge cycle. Possible? Something that alarmed me more, this 2nd charge cycle, was that this time, I’d decided not to go down to zero bars, but just to 1, as I figured always going down to zero would be bad the battery’s longevity (although I figure even at zero bars, they must keep 5%+ in reserve to stop the battery being damaged). So this time I was diligent, and when I got down to one bar, I quickly noticed – literally 30 seconds earlier it was on two bars. At this point I decided to check the bar again after getting off (I noticed it sometimes has a habit of going back up when you dismount), it stayed at one bar, so decided to ride a small distance, then put the E+ back in the garage for charging. So I rode the E+ about 40 yards, maximum, then dismounted and use the powered walking mode (not sure what it’s exactly called) to get the E+ to climb a very small step into the garage. In the process of climbing this small step, the Ninebot then suddenly went from one to zero bars and the alarm goes off again! What I tried to avoid this time round by being very conservative with my usage on one bar, happened again. So clearly the battery reading of one bar was too optimistic, this second charge cycle. The first charge cycle, one bar had lasted a fair while and I’m sure I was able to ride for good 5 minutes at least. Again, another indicator of battery degradation, perhaps? It’s a little worrying that the battery meter seems less accurate on the second charge than the first. I would have thought it would be improving accuracy with each charge cycle. So, what I really want to do is work out what’s going on with the battery, particularly with it’s capacity, maybe a reading in kw/h, mA/h or the like? Is it possible to somehow get an accurate reading of the battery’s capacity after a full charge and compare it to what it should be? And also to check if it’s not degrading / reducing capacity rapidly each charge cycle? Unfortunately I haven’t managed to get the bluetooth connectivity and app working, yet. Can the Ninebot app give me this sort of information, or do they not reveal such raw data to owners? Also, have you any thoughts on the E+ and it’s battery being in storage for 30 months before it was sold to me? Is it inevitable that the battery is significantly degraded after this length of time, or do E+ batteries keep better than I thought? Also, any thoughts/advice on what my next course of action should be, if the battery is on it’s last legs, would be appreciated. Just ask Ninebot to replace the battery with a new one? Hopefully they are still making them. Thanks in advance for any help, opinions or advice. To help with the picture, here are a few product details: Ninebot Elite+ 620W battery Firmware ver: 1-4-4 P.S. Apologies if I’ve gone into too much detail and this is an overly long read.
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