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  1. Hello everyone, Does anyone know a good winter tire for my MCM5? With nails it would be perfect, the first snow is there!
  2. Thank you Marty, I will buy one. Yes Smoother, it’s the only thing why I’m sad know, because the wheel was at his end life and it’s not important for that... Like it was near a lock, I went to the office to warn but there was no one, the office is closed the weekend and as the wheel continued alone, I can give a distance around 10 meters but not better when I come back to see if I can do something. The river is completely black, I don’t know the deepth, hard to climb, I can’t take the risk to go in the river for that 😕 I burned all my credits for this 6 years no car pollution 😖
  3. Hi Marty, Have you do a try to see if Msuper mudguard worked on the MCM5 ? Yesterday was a sad day, the Solowheel is dead! These last days I learned the wheel to my wife, and as she was doing well I proposed a ride and I had the good idea to go along a river. I leave my wife hand to change sides and go to the side of the river, and as I slow down to pass behind her, she was unbalanced, she jumped and the wheel continued alone in the river 😄. It took less than 2 seconds for it to sink and sink forever into bubbling bubbles. I could have come back and tried to fish it but it will make a better fish reef 🥴 Before leaving for the ride, I looked for something to hang the wheel to his pants but I found nothing fast so I did not look... I’m looking to buy another wheel, perhaps with good opportunity a KS14s or KS16s. I fall two times in the life of my Solowheel, and in this two times I arrived to jump and run but the wheel have done a big distance before to stop. The second time I arrive to sprint and take the wheel !!! For the third time I see this, I would like to find a solution to hang the wheel, I imagine if it hits a child! I think of something like a dog leash but with a carabiner instead of the handle. Do you have an idea ?
  4. Chopsywa happy to see that all is ok now. Yes yourtoys, I’m 68 kg and with a full charged battery the wheel began to beep (80% alarm) around 38 km/h but it’s always very stable, I never feel in danger... I’m so happy with this wheels. Today I received the two pads, I will do a try next week with to see if I can tighten the wheels and continue at high speed when the road is well bumpy. Also I would like to know if someone have a solution for water projection. We can easily think that the wheel is well covered but in fact no. This morning I was completely dirty in my back when I arrive to the job. You can see here a picture which shows that the protection is not low enough...
  5. ED, it’s on an other wheel, it can’t be a MCM5.
  6. Yes too dangerous to disable !!! This morning the path was free and I was always earing the beeps from 80% and slow down it's time they happens. The best for my 70kg and the MCM5, is to set the tilt at 33 km/h. I can feel a small leaning back of the wheel that says me I'm at 33/35 km/h whithout regard a screen and whithout beeps all 30 seconds. Like that my speed is constant and I think my average speed is better. 16" wheels are dead!!! I knew I was going to be surprised by the new wheels but not at this point. I prefer that builders now work on the weight, compactness and on other points seen before. For me one wheel is sufficiant, a wheel light and compact (more than the mcm5) but I'm thinking to buy a MSX to go faster and replace my car during long range around the city. But it's not for now and if I have to do the choice of a second wheel I would compared with a Dualtron Thunder.
  7. Yes first and two alarms are disabled, so it’s well beeps from capabilities I heard during the test. I read on an other post that you have disabled the tilt back. To do this, you set a very high value ? So, no tilt back but the beeps are here to remember that we are not (or yes 🥴) Superman, it’s depends of the view point 🤗 I think I have now a very good understanding of this wheel. I really love this MCM5, sometimes I just have to be carefully with high speed on bumpy roads because of the pads absence. I don’t arrive to limit my speed when the path is free I always want the maximum!!! 🧐 To resume, I have decided to set the tilt back at 36 km/h hoping to heard the beeps when needed 😄
  8. I don't have this problem chopsywa... I need some help after my tilt back and speed tests. So with Marty advices, this morning I began with a tilt back set at 9 km/h and increase each time of 3km/h after the test. I stoped to increase the tilt back when it was set at 36 km/h you will see why. In my mind, I was waiting that something strong happened when I push after the tilit back limit but no! For example with a tilt back set at 12km/h : I start, accelerate, reach about 15km/h, the wheel leaning back to recover 12km/h, and thats all, you continue your ride like if nothing happened! It's smooth and very secure... I saw thatt when the tilt back is performing it's impossible to push more and goes too much over the speed limit set. When I increase the tilt back speed at 30 and 33 km/h, I doesn't fell the wheel leaning back or just a little bit. The feelings is more conerning the acceleration and the wind, you feel that nothing happens when you want to push more at this speeds. Arriving with a tilt back set at 36km/h I have had a lot of very speed beeps. During the test with 36 km/h I heard for the first time a beep when I want to accelerate after the limit, so I decrease immediately my speed. I try another time and I have exactly the same beep. Afraid by this beep I immediatly decrease my speed. Like I want to understand more, I try a third time and decide to push despite the first beep and in this test I heard 3 beeps in about one second all, so I have immediately decrease my speed. I think if I continue to push I would have had the famous 5 beeps? So after this test I think set the tilt back at 33 km/h is a good thing because you can go 34/35 km/h whithout being worried to heard the beeps (I consider to always drive with a battery at 50% at least for my security).
  9. Thank you Marty for the informations, I will try tomorrow morning. I’m surprised to don’t have a notice with all this informations but fortunately there’s the forum!!! I’m looking for a helmet so I don’t want to push too hard my wheel for the moment so I put the tilt back at 33 km/h to be quiet with the speed limit...🙃 But, I’m not sure it’s a good idea because this morning I was trying to push a little bit after the soft limit (33 km/h) watching what it was going to happen. Pushing a little bit more with this soft limit I’m arrived at 34 / 35 km/h in the GW app. After a few moment with hands in pockets, I afraid myself saying me “and if there is a big tilt back because I put the limitation at 33km/h and I want absolutely push the speed) so after this thing I decrease my speed. Can appears a “big tilt back” or something else before to be to the max speed (40km/h) of the wheel? At high speed it’s easy to leaning front the body and push more. I think better would be to leaning back a little beet more the wheel to have a better feeling of the speed limit although we have a good feeling acceleration with the experience. I feel there is no acceleration after 34 km/h but like all is ok the wheel perfectly plane, my head says “push more” 😋 And thank you very much Marty and Flying to help me in my choice, it’s a really good one.
  10. Perhaps Smoother, but it wasn't a problem, my old wheel have done the job waiting the MCM5. After 40km I'm very satisfied with my MCM5, I now have the good technique to brake in hard mode. For improvements, I would like to have the perfect wheel : - 16", - lighter, - more compact, - true lighthouse, - trolley less hard to handle (I put a little bit of WD40 to help), - with full holes handle, - ability to disable beeps when on / off and connected to the app, - a charger with more LEDs to know the approximate charge level whithout the app. Finally I will buy the pads to do a try. I think it's more comfortable for stops and starts to hold the wheels or to replace feet or one feet. I often carry parcels and when you carry a cardboard on one side and that the weight is not centered, it is good to be able to wedge the wheel on one leg and whithout side pads the wheel and the driver are tilted. I don't understand how work LEDs, there is a parameter in the app but it does not change anything and it remains allways on LED6...
  11. I will put the tilt-back at 30 or 33 km/h for my security because I know I will be always at maximum... Why it’s indicate overspeed, I don’t heard beeps and nothing else ?
  12. Sure after a few km it will be easy to do the difference. I tried the soft mode but I prefer the hard one, I will try the medium this afternoon. I put the tilt back at 36 km/h but to go faster than 32 km/h I need to practice because I must to push in front harder to go faster and it’s less confortable for the moment. Edit : After a new ride there is no problem to go fast. I Think the medium mode is for me, I will change when I will have more practice.
  13. It's exactly my feeling this morning ! Ok, thank you for the alarms lesson, so I disable second class alarm on the iOs APP. Like that if I heard at least one beep it's for my security because of the 80%. I think it's would be better to have another sound for speed to don't be confused... I want to drive the wheel so I come back to the house to eat now
  14. So, for my first ride this morning : I'm really surprised by this wheel, it's really easy to adapt my driving. For the braking it's better now, I think in 10 or 20 km it's will be perfect, I will try the soft mode to come back the house this evening and compare. I promise you than the feelings passing bumps is really better with this 14" wheel than my old 16" wheel. I think the engine motor and the weight of the wheels helps. I don't need to use pads on the MCM5, I usually spreed my feet on the Solowheel. I'm just afraid to fall for the moment with all this alarms. To start I put the tilt back at 30 km/h. Yesterday I test the reaction of the tilt back at 9 km/h. She leaning back but not too much, I hope it's sufficient to feel the tilt back at high speed. This morning at 30 km/h I heard a sound like DD_DD_DD_DD_DD when I reach 30 km/h, but sometimes I've the feelings it's not clear, it's like if a third beep appears... I can't determine which kind of alarm it is.
  15. Hmmmmm what’s that ? My “dog” have done the first two km in my arms, I think he don’t like that, too cold for him 😂
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