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Emmanuel Schalit

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  1. Same accident happened to me on Ninebot 1 E+ 1 month ago. I had had warning signs the day before (battery died when supposed to still have 9km autonomy). I figured I had not charged it well but the truth is that my unit was 3.5 years old and even though I had not ridden it a lot it was probably getting old. Following day in the morning commuting to the office (in NYC) I was riding on a (fortunately) empty street and after having come down of a small speed bump (which I passed slowly) I started accelerating and the unit just died without a beep or a warning. Other than a helmet I did not have protective gear but the helmet saved my life because my head banged the asphalt pretty hard. I hurt my wrist and knees pretty bad though The e+ never restarted and I got rid off it as I think it had become dangerous. I ordered a Z10 and received it 2 days ago! I was so excited. But I got a faulty unit and it does not charge so I had to send it back. I hope the z10 (if it works) will be less at a risk of total failure than the e+
  2. I applied the recommendation from @Igor Rzuczek but it did not fix my issue. Not surprising as my issue look a bit different. I am able to power the Z10 but it does not charge and always report that the battery is at 0% which looks much more like a controller issue
  3. Indeed I think @Jason McNeil and eWheels are doing everything they can to support their customers. I am happy I bought my z10 from them because I know they will make this right
  4. @Jason McNeil I proceeded as per your instructions. I checked, disconnected and reconnected battery connectors. No change at all. Also, as per this picture the battery has its 2 blue leds which indicates most likely that the battery is not faulty and that Finally, as indicated, I am able to power on the unit, even though it will not charge and the data from the battery is inconsistent. This sound more like an issue with the controller board. I will use the return label you sent me (thanks for that) and ship it back to you today as I have the time to go to a Fedex store. Emmanuel
  5. Hopefully Jason reads this forum and will chime in. Somebody on a facebook Z10 group suggested opening the wheel and reconnecting the battery but it seems strange if this is a battery connection issue given that I do have enough power to turn on and connect with teh App
  6. Just received my brand new Z10 from eWheels USA. Very bad surprise; unit does not even charge. Battery is fully depleted but charger LED goes green immediately and no charging happens. There is enough power for me to connect with the App but the battery readout is fully at zero and inconsistent. Has anybody encountered this condition. I have re-packed the Z10 and will ask eWheels to exchange it for a functioning one but this is really a drag. I am curious is this is a frequent issue with new Z10s
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