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About Resinears

  • Birthday April 26

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  1. Brewery District on Sunday? Where do you enter (guessing/hoping you are talking about underground?). Not sure about the boy's soccer schedule on Saturday, but if I can, I'd love to come down and at least ride a bit. Haven't been on the wheel for a long time...
  2. Thanks, will do. Now that indoor soccer is going, my son has games on Sundays, which I like to attend. This Sunday's game is in the early afternoon, but sometimes they are done in the morning. I'll be good for riding on milder winter days (when road conditions permit). I'll have to see about next Wednesday, but generally speaking for weekdays, by the time I'm home from work and get something to eat, it's probably too late for an organized evening ride for me.
  3. My wheel is back together, but I won't be able to make it on Wednesday night. Thanks for the offer of taking an easier route for my benefit, but I have some stuff I have to get done. Looks like Sunday will be a no-go for me too, as I have kid's soccer commitments. I do try to get a few blocks in here and there, just to get time on the feet/wheel. I hope to join you guys for some kind of ride before the season turns ugly...
  4. Looks like I've got an engagement for Wednesday night - so don't do the west end on my account. Do let me know where you're going to end up, in case I'm allowed to go out and play after-all.
  5. Pulled the trigger today, so two business days. I'm hoping for Thursday, but would like to find some padding to create a pocket for my poor bruised ankle. It sure helped on your wheel today when I taped some bubble wrap to create a pocket. I was able to start off without having to hang off a support. Still can't turn easily enough to ride on public (shared) spaces, but I am surprised how quickly things come when I have time to ride. Feet stop cramping, relaxing more, etc. Very excited.
  6. What a great app/presentation - looks like a pretty interesting way to document the ride. My new wheel is on the way! I'm very excited, and looking for padding for protection as well as comfort. I sure hope we have some good days left! I have to thank you for the use of your V8 to get me hooked on this. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  7. Sure wish I could meet you guys to wish you well on the ride and to pick your brains some more, but I'm on "clean the house for the long weekend guests" duty. Have a safe ride gentleman!
  8. I would love to ask you a question about the site you told me about when I met the group, but can't message you as a new user. Could you pm me with your contact info? Thanks a lot! Jeff
  9. Bah, I'm late to the party, and want to pull the trigger on the purchase of a wheel (after meeting you gentleman that Tuesday night, back at the rink). I've made enough progress on the borrowed wheel to know I want my own, but the timing couldn't be worse for the upcoming winter (not a surprise), and some personal commitments which will take me out of the loop for a bit. If I buy a wheel, it's going to snow for sure!!
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